The current period of stability must be used to pass all necessary reforms, while the people’s trust in political institutions needs to strengthened, the four presidents stated during their meeting. Foto: BoBo
The current period of stability must be used to pass all necessary reforms, while the people’s trust in political institutions needs to strengthened, the four presidents stated during their meeting. Foto: BoBo

The current period of stability must be used to pass all necessary reforms, while the people's trust in political institutions needs to strengthened, the four presidents stated during their meeting.

According to Pahor, Slovenia is recovering after a brutal, multi-year economic and financial crisis, which is evident form the main economic and social indicators. The presidents believe that this period of stability should be used to pass the reforms needed for Slovenia to strengthen its economic and social positions and to make the country more resistant to any future international crises.

Modernization of the national security apparatus needed
The presidents agreed that Slovenia is a safe country, but pointed out that its vulnerabilities shouldn't be overlooked. Because the global security situation is becoming less predictable, the entire national security apparatus must be modernized, stated Pahor in a press release issued following the meeting.

Slovenia will also work towards the successful development of the EU. Because the efficiency of European institutions isn't as high as it should be, Pahor believes that Slovenia will need to rely more on its own judgement and use its historical experiences when making crucial decisions about its development.

Slovenia is not just an observer
Prime Minister Cerar believes that Slovenia is a responsible EU member, but he feels that it must advocate additional changes to the system on a regular basis. Only they will guarantee sustainable development and the creation of a modern society that will function as a part of the EU and ensure a good quality of life for its people.

Slovenia is taking part in the work of EU institutions, where it's constantly presenting its own suggestions and initiatives. Cerar stressed that Slovenia is not a passive observer and a follower, but rather an "active player and a factor in these changes."

Brglez emphasized the importance of maintaining good relations with other countries. He considers Croatia, Turkey, Russia, and the U.S. to be among the most important nations. Slovenia must pay maximum attention to these countries, and to develop good relations with its neighbors, said the President of the National Assembly. He is convinced that Slovenia must remain "true to itself," both internationally and at home – true to the Constitution, which it passed 25 years ago, and true to its obligations as set out in international treaties.

The confidence of the people needs to be strengthened
Cerar stated that the government will place most of its effort on reforming the health system, but that it also won't neglect other areas. He believes that the cabinet must work with other branches of government to continue the fight against corruption and anything that would "weaken the legal system." According to President Pahor, maximum efforts must be made to strengthen the people's trust in the political institutions.

And important year ahead of Slovenia
The four presidents believe that 2017 will be an important year for Slovenia. The National Assembly will decide on four constitutional court judges, the new Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the new Attorney General. Also on the agenda is the verdict by the Court of Arbitration regarding the border between Slovenia and Croatia, which is expected to come in 2017. It's important that Slovenia prepares for these circumstances as a nation, the presidents agreed.

They believe that next year will turn out to be particularly decisive when it comes to the willingness of Slovenian society to strengthen its foundations, which will lead to stronger social bonds, while embracing tolerance and differences among people. "If Slovenia remains an inclusive society, we will be able to resolve these difficult circumstances in our favor," said Pahor.

"We can only advance together," emphasized Cerar. He said that all four presidents have shown that they can cooperate and find things they have in common. They believe that only by following such an approach can Slovenia remain a successful nation.

T. H.
Translated by J. B.