The Perpetuum Jazzile vocal ensemble, which for the last 15 years has been performing both at home and abroad, will try become an award nominee in four categories. Photo: MMC RTV SLO/Sandi Fišer Foto:
The Perpetuum Jazzile vocal ensemble, which for the last 15 years has been performing both at home and abroad, will try become an award nominee in four categories. Photo: MMC RTV SLO/Sandi Fišer Foto:

The vocal ensemble, which for the last 15 years has been performing both at home and abroad, will try become an award nominee in four categories: Song of the Year, Best Pop Duo/Group Performance, Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappela, and Best Choral Performance. All of Perpetuum Jazzile's songs, contending to become award nominees at this year's Grammy Awards, are featured on the group's B Side / Both Sides album, which came out at the end of last year. The Recording Academy will announce the nominees in the 84 categories at the end of November. The nominees will be decided by around 10 thousand music experts and members of the academy.

"Our business partner from the US, Wayne Halper, who is also a member of The Recording Academy, informed us that we do have a chance of entering the race for this year's Grammy Award nominees. All the performers, contending to be nominated, first have to fulfill certain criteria. Nominee proposals can be put forward by members of The Recording Academy. There are around 10 thousand members of the academy, which is comprised of music experts including renowned musicians, producers and other important decision-makers in the music world, which shape and co-create today's world of pop music. The interesting thing about the Grammy Awards is that they're decided exclusively by members of the academy, and not music fans - which is quite popular in other different music competitions or awards," said the leader of the vocal group Jan Trost.

A specialty about the Grammy Awards is that the winners are chosen by music experts - members of The Recording Academy - who have to have a high level of knowledge and fulfill a number of conditions in order to be able to shape the world of pop music. The academy is made up of a little less than 10 thousand members - among them renowned musicians and composers, as well as a number of other experts in the field of music.