Hatred is not only words, but is always also social action. Foto: BoBo
Hatred is not only words, but is always also social action. Foto: BoBo

Inciting hatred and the division of people into different groups has become a key instrument in the fight for power. However, Filip Dobranič, one of the organizers of the upcoming Without Fear Against Political Hatred protest, to be held on Friday, says it is not a legitimate way of fighting for power.

"All the biggest atrocities in history started with the organized inciting of hatred. With politics which declared groups of people as unworthy and dangerous. With politics which spread fear instead of prosperity, violence instead of solidarity. This kind of politics, made up of false promises, has now returned in our area, but we have not fallen for its lies and we won't allow it to rule over us," added Dobranič.

Mr. Dobranič notices that the most highlighted groups of people in this year's election campaign are the migrants, refugees and other people from abroad. He also warns that hatred spreads fast among different groups of people.

Vesna Leskošek, the dean of the Ljubljana Faculty of Social Work, said hatred is never aimed at only certain groups, but always influences the whole society. "The hate speech against the recipients of social benefits in the years 2007 and 2010, led to cuts in the social rights of everyone and not just the groups that were targeted. Hatred is not only words, but is always also social action. It starts with words, and ends with actions which are dangerous, threatening, and silence many groups of people."