The plan covers more than 600 different cost-saving measures, including the acquisition of more cost-efficient medical supplies and better use of expensive equipment. Foto: BoBo/Borut Živulović
The plan covers more than 600 different cost-saving measures, including the acquisition of more cost-efficient medical supplies and better use of expensive equipment. Foto: BoBo/Borut Živulović

The plan covers more than 600 different cost-saving measures, including the acquisition of more cost-efficient medical supplies and better use of expensive equipment. In addition to the cost-cutting measures, urgent investments and new hirings are also in the works.

A lack of space, crowds of people in the hallways, and outdated facilities are not a rare sight in Slovenia's largest hospital. To realize all the much-needed investment, UKC would need approximately 220 million euros over the next five years. The amount includes two new buildings. According to the CEO of UKC Aleš Šabeder, the hospital will only have 13 million euros of its own funds this year.

More than 600 measures are needed for the hospital to improve its financial situation. The management is focusing on fulfilling its annual program. Because the plan wasn't completely realized last year, the hospital ended up losing 11 million euros in revenue. The plans include the reduction in the cost of medical material, or at least a stop to price rises, an increase in the number of patients treated per day, the reduction of inpatient stays, as well as a better utilization of expensive medical equipment and operating rooms. The operating rooms have an 83-percent occupancy rate before noon, but that drops significantly in the afternoons and in the evenings. Another challenge is reducing sick leaves and absenteeism.

UKC will end the year with approximately 15 million dollars of fresh debt. Compared to last year, the UKC management expects higher labor costs as well as an increase in payroll. The situation is the most critical in the Pediatric Intensive Therapy Unit. According to department head Jadranka Buturovič Ponikvar, the hospital is working on the arrival of doctors from Croatia, but the number of doctors and the date of their arrival remain unknown.