“We fear nothing, and we’re looking ahead with great hope,” said the President, concluding his address to the Slovenian people. Foto: BoBo
“We fear nothing, and we’re looking ahead with great hope,” said the President, concluding his address to the Slovenian people. Foto: BoBo

Things in Slovenia are far from perfect, said President Borut Pahor. But they are getting better, proving that “together, we can make things better.” “We need this kind of self-confidence for the times that lie ahead. More than ever, we must rely on our own judgment, our own brains, and our own courage,” he said in his New Year address. He called for unity and cooperation among Slovenians. “We’re not just talking about noble deeds and solidarity; we must also strengthen our sense of allegiance to each another – to became a more connected community, a more successful country, and a friendlier homeland for everyone,” he added.

We are a part of a family, but our problems are ours to solve
“We belong to the European family of nations. We have many friends and allies around the world. But we cannot expect others to solve our vital issues. To a large degree, we must solve them ourselves, so it's important that we work together, and that we respect and encourage each other,” Pahor emphasized.

“We fear nothing, and we’re looking ahead with great hope,” said the President, concluding his address to the Slovenian people.

The Prime Minister’s New Year Address
In his New Year's address, Prime Minister Miro Cerar described the state of Slovenia as good; the country is known internationally for being successful and attractive. Large foreign companies are investing in Slovenia, the unemployment rate is getting lower (including among young people), and there is stable economic growth, said Cerar during his address. He praised the Slovenian people for being ready to cooperate despite the influence of “destructive forces.”

Al. Ma., Translated by J. B.