"When people watch footage and look at photos of the war in Slovenia, they have the feeling that they are watching a movie." Foto: Tone Stojko

Many things have been said about the role of the media during Slovenia's transition to independence. However, when it comes to the war in Slovenia, little or nothing is said about the role of the media. Their work is forgotten or even purposefully overlooked, says Martič, who adds that the documentary shows how things would have happened very differently without the media – to Slovenia's detriment, of course.

“When people watch footage and look at photos of the war in Slovenia, they have the feeling that they are watching a movie. We must realize that the events were witnessed by photojournalists, videographers, and reporters. In contrast to most of the soldiers, who were either in tanks or in trenches, the representatives of the media were entirely unprotected. All of the footage – and there isn’t all that much of it, since the war was, fortunately, different from what later happened in Croatia or Bosnia-Herzegovina -- shows that the journalists were very close to the action. From a distance of just a few meters, they shot footage of active combat or they reported from places that had been bombed a minute earlier,” adds Martič, the author of the documentary, when discussing the journalists’ tension-filled and dangerous baptism by fire.