This year Radio Romic received only half of last year's 120 thousand euros, which means that they will run out of money in two months. Foto: BoBo
This year Radio Romic received only half of last year's 120 thousand euros, which means that they will run out of money in two months. Foto: BoBo

Roma representatives sent a letter to PM Miro Cerar on Tuesday, informing him that the relevant authorities have not replied to their initiatives, calls or demands.
The radio station provides six hours of broadcast on a daily basis. In 2008 they were given their own radio frequency and employed eight people. The employees are now slowly leaving and the crisis is also hurting the radio program. "There are less of us now, we have four part-time employees, we're cutting the program which also affects the quality but there is no other way," says the radio editor Monika Sandreli.
State finances Italian minority in Croatia
This year the radio received only half of last year's 120 thousand euros, which means that they will run out of money in two months. The centre has also applied for funding for other projects, but they do not include radio activities. The head of the Slovenian Roma Association, Jožek Horvat Muc, says they don't expect additional funding but that the lack of state funding is clearly not the only problem.
"The state finances the work of a newspaper of the Hungarian community - Nepujsag. On the other hand with a government decree from 2012 the state also finances activities of the Italian minority in Croatia," warns Muc. He said it was as if the Italian minority was carrying out activities for the Italian community in Slovenia. Muc added that they receive around 350 thousand euros per year, which is almost three times the amount needed for the undisturbed work of Radio Romic.