The world bee day initiative is only one part of Slovenian beekeepers’ international ambitions, Foto: BoBo
The world bee day initiative is only one part of Slovenian beekeepers’ international ambitions, Foto: BoBo

The event offered socializing, a rich offer of bee products and equipment for apiculture as well as a visit from Jose Graziano da Silva, secretary general of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

The social event also sent an important message: "The world needs bees. Without bees, a third of food production would not exist. This is why we've launched an initiative for the world bee day, and this is also a sort of promoting activity," president of Slovenian Beekeepers' Association Boštjan Noč emphasized.

The participants were pleased to welcome the secretary general of FAO, who has decided to do fieldwork to get acquainted personally with the long tradition and specificities of Slovenian beekeeping. Da Silva has also warned how important bees are: "There's not enough food for the future. The bees are fundamental for preserving biodiversity. They're irreplaceable pollinators, which is why they're so important for the preservation of biodiversity as well as sufficient food production."

The world bee day initiative is only one part of Slovenian beekeepers' international ambitions. "The world bee day, which might be introduced in 2017, is an idea created by the Slovenian Beekeepers' Association. This idea addresses safe food supply and environmental protection. It's an idea that connects people," Agriculture Minister Dejan Židan added.

T. H., Stane Kocutar/Radio Slovenija; translated by K. Z.