According to the jury, Tone Škrjanec has retained his creative stance, which consciously avoids high-flying and bombastic poetic language. Foto: ARS/Maj Pavček
According to the jury, Tone Škrjanec has retained his creative stance, which consciously avoids high-flying and bombastic poetic language. Foto: ARS/Maj Pavček

According to the jury, Škrjanec has retained his creative stance, which consciously avoids high-flying and bombastic poetic language.
At the turn of the millennium, Škrjanec, influenced by the American poets that he translated, contributed to a change in the understanding of the role of poetry in Slovenia: the purpose of poetry is thus no longer to express elated intimate truths; it has become far more grounded and life-related. The jury maintains that by using a variegated composition of perspectives, the constant use of colloquial language and by sketching the minutiae of everyday life and social events, it can attain a more direct artistic effect.

Poet Bina Štampe Žmavc is the winner of the Golden Coin of Poetry, awarded by Fit media since 2005.
The Veronika Prize, awarded by Celje Municipality since 1997, is one of the most prestigious literary awards in Slovenia. Besides a 4,000 euro cheque, Škrjanec also received the honorary citizenship of Celje, bestowed upon him by Bojan Šrot, mayor of Celje.