The Slovenian Tourist Board has positioned the best Slovenian female athlete as the promoter of Slovenia and its tourist offer, since Tina Maze superbly embodies the identity of Slovenia as a tourist destination – an active and healthy country where unspoilt nature encourages top achievements. Foto: Spirit/Aleš Fevžer
The Slovenian Tourist Board has positioned the best Slovenian female athlete as the promoter of Slovenia and its tourist offer, since Tina Maze superbly embodies the identity of Slovenia as a tourist destination – an active and healthy country where unspoilt nature encourages top achievements. Foto: Spirit/Aleš Fevžer
Tina Maze
Tina Maze has been stringing up top results in Alpine skiing for several years and breaking records one after another. Her achievements are exceptionally well-known outside the sporting world as well. Foto: BoBo

The Slovenian Tourist Board has included an invitation from Tina Maze to visit Slovenia in the marketing and communication tools and activities of Slovenian tourism. Thus, the top Slovenian skier Tina Maze, one of the most recognised Slovenian female athletes, invites you to visit the green, active and healthy country of Slovenia in the framework of the most eminent events abroad, on social networks and in promotional tools.

Top sporting achievements make Slovenia more visible in the world beyond. This has been shown by the successes of top Slovenian athletes and the renown of international sports events held in Slovenia. So the Slovenian Tourist Board (STB) is cooperating with Slovenian athletes as part of its marketing activities to achieve the desired target position of Slovenia and Slovenian tourism on the world tourism map. It has forged close working relationships not only with Slovenian athletes, but also with international sports events and important sports facilities.

In doing so, the STB strives for an innovative, different and more daring approach to the promotion and marketing of Slovenia and its tourist offer. This arises from the umbrella story of Slovenia, defined as green, active and healthy Slovenia, strengthening the I FEEL SLOVENIA brand. The story of green, active and healthy Slovenia combines sustainable or green tourism in connection with an active lifestyle – sport.

It is precisely for these reasons that the STB decided to include Tina Maze, the world-famous Slovenian athlete, in selected events and activities. In order to make Slovenia more visible and strengthen the I FEEL SLOVENIA national and tourism brand, Tina Maze will participate on social networks and at Slovenian tourism events organised by the STB abroad.

In this way, the visibility of Slovenia and Slovenian tourism is increasing, especially abroad, as is the visibility of the I FEEL SLOVENIA brand in connection with sport. Thereby, the efficiency of partnerships and cooperation between different areas of the national brand is also strengthening.

The ambassadors of Slovenia and the I FEEL SLOVENIA brand
We can say without a doubt that Tina Maze is an ambassador of Slovenia and the I FEEL SLOVENIA brand. As well as Tina Maze, the visibility of our country is also strengthened by other prominent personalities from the world of culture, music and other areas thanks to their excellent successes. In order to support communication elements not only in tourism but also at the wider state level, the Slovenian Tourist Board has started cooperating with athletes and other prominent personalities in the project Ambassadors of the I FEEL SLOVENIA brand. It has also invited other key institutions involved in the promotion of Slovenia to participate. It is a project that aims to become one of the most powerful supporting elements of our country in terms of communication. Thus, in the project, the ambassadors of the I FEEL SLOVENIA brand perform an active role as intensifiers of communications, also supporting the values of the brand and, through their example and their pride, inviting people to see and taste the best that Slovenia can offer the rest of the world.

The Slovenian Tourist Board has included an invitation from Tina Maze to visit Slovenia in the marketing and communication tools and activities of Slovenian tourism. Thus, the top Slovenian skier Tina Maze, one of the most recognised Slovenian female athletes, invites you to visit the green, active and healthy country of Slovenia in the framework of the most eminent events abroad, on social networks and in promotional tools.