There are 13 camping sites in the Bovec area, which can host approximately 3,500 visitors. Photo: MMC RTV SLO Foto:
There are 13 camping sites in the Bovec area, which can host approximately 3,500 visitors. Photo: MMC RTV SLO Foto:

There are 13 camping sites in the Bovec area, which can host approximately 3,500 visitors. There has also been an official campervan park since 2006. But for many years, tourists have been camping or overnighting in campervans by the road and at other undesignated places. 'Illegal camping and overnighting on the main road from Vršič towards Trenta and Bovec has increased,' says Zvonko Kravanja, one of six supervisors on the Primorska side of Triglav National Park. 'People also pitch tents up in the mountains, primarily at lake Krn, Kriški podi and Prehodavci. In fact they pitch tents just about where ever it's possible, even at upper Trenta, Zadnjica, Lepena, Skala, Vrsnik.'

More than 200 warnings and 26 fines in Trenta so far this year
Twice as many fines have been issued this year compared with last year, along with more than 200 warnings. 'In principle, every evening we warn people to leave undesignated sites and find a place in a camping site. But in the morning, we unfortunately issue a fine. 26 fines have been issued in Trenta this year. The fine amounts to 100 euros, but, because foreigners have to pay on the spot, the fine is reduced to 50 euros. The majority of offenders are foreigners. In the past, there were more tourists from the East, Czechs, Poles and Slovaks, but these days there are more French, Spanish and Germans.'

Supervisors in Triglav National Park will tighten control in both the valley and the mountains – not only on illegal camping, but also regarding lighting fires, prohibited driving and other offences. The most frequent offence is parking at undesignated places.

Mariša Bizjak, Radio Koper, translated by A. L.