According to Danilo Türk the credibility of Slovenia's candidacy could especially be seen in the first round of voting. He said Slovenia should be pleased with its candidacy. Foto: BoBo
According to Danilo Türk the credibility of Slovenia's candidacy could especially be seen in the first round of voting. He said Slovenia should be pleased with its candidacy. Foto: BoBo

The Slovenian candidate for UN Secretary-General, Danilo Türk, congratulated Antonio Guterres who received the majority of votes for the position. According to Mr. Türk Slovenia's candidacy was credible.

According to Danilo Türk the credibility of Slovenia's candidacy could especially be seen in the first round of voting. He said Slovenia should be pleased with its candidacy. He was more critical towards the voting bloc from Eastern Europe, adding that its conduct should "probably be the subject of discussion". Türk added that the result of the vote was also a consequence of the large number of candidacies put forward in the last minute.

"I believe that the members of the Security Council wanted to resolve this issue as quickly as possible, as they have many other important issues on their daily agendas. It seems that they made a decision to solve this matter quickly, and swiftly, in order not to burden the very complex daily schedules which wait in the coming months," said Türk.

In a comment for the Odmevi news show Mr. Türk also said the relations between certain member states in the Security Council were becoming increasingly strained, and that they "clearly did not wish the issue of the new Secretary-General to turn into another contentious topic." In Türk's opinion that is why they agreed on Guterres. An important circumstance in his favour was also the fact that he had the best marks so far.

Pahor congratulated Guterres
Slovenian President Borut Pahor already congratulated Antonio Guterres on his election. At the same time he also congratulated Danilo Türk on his credible candidacy. "He represented Slovenia in the best possible light and credibly represented Slovenia in its bids for the most important positions in the international community."

Unofficially, Türk received five votes in favour, eight against, and two "without opinion" in the last round of voting. Other details from the vote are not yet known.