A third of employers are having trouble finding suitable employees. Foto: BoBo
A third of employers are having trouble finding suitable employees. Foto: BoBo

Even though several thousand are still unemployed, many employers are having difficulties finding suitable personnel.

A third of employers are having trouble finding suitable employees – and large companies have the most difficulties. This year, demand has been the highest for employees with various education levels in the medical field, as well as for mechanical engineers and legal professionals. The most in-demand professions requiring only a high school diploma were sales representatives, mechanical technicians, and business secretaries. Jobs in the tourism and hospitality industries were also in high demand.

The lack of labor is being addressed with the use of student workers. Experts believe that the apprentice system will also lead to an improvement in the situation.

In the coming decades, problems with the supply of suitable workers will intensify. The head of the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development (UMAR) Boštjan Vasle says that the Slovenian labor market already loses 15,000 people a year.

In addition to importing foreign labor, the activation of at-risk social groups can lead to an improvement in the situation. The “Active Aging” program is set to launch soon, and in addition to activating older workers, employees will be able to find new employees among the long-term unemployed.

Urška Valjavec, Radio Slovenija
Translated by J. B.