The votes against dismissal of Veber were cast by the members of his party, and of the opposition United Left (ZL) party. He will return to his seat in the Parliament. After the session PM Miro Cerar said that Veber's dismissal did not imply the end of the coalition, as the coalition was still continuing in the usual manner. According to his words, the problem in this case was not the sale of Telekom Slovenije; Veber's dismissal was proposed due to serious mistakes made by Veber, and certain unlawful actions.
"Veber failed to performed certain obligatory actions, he had engaged the Intelligence Service for purposes for which it should not be engaged," Cerar said, and continued that in the closed part of the session his arguments were proved correct. Veber's threat with a criminal complaint was in his opinion very inappropriate, and the votes by the SD party were in his opinion in the interest of the party, and not state-formative. He is expecting a proposal for a new minister from the SD party.
The president of the SD party Dejan Židan after the Thursday extraordinary session of the National Assembly announced that he would propose to the Presidency of the party that it should remain within the government. Nor does Janko Veber, the vice-president of the SD party, see a problem with the participation of the SD party in the coalition. "I have no problem if the party remains within the government, in the coalition. I said I would keep my point of view unchanged. I hope the party will follow it as well," Veber said after his dismissal.