The song That black guitar is based on the true story of Kreslin's father Milan. He bought the guitar in 1946 with his first salary. When he brought it to the tiny settlement of Beltinci, all the musicians including the Roma learned that a real guitar came to Beltinci. People kept asking him to lend them the guitar for their performances. At first he indulged their wishes, but then he started refusing because he kept getting back the guitar without strings etc. And then they started asking Kreslin where the guitar was, and it lasted for a long time – even the grandchildren of those who were the first to borrow it kept asking the same question. And thus the black guitar turned into a myth. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Sandi Fišer
The song That black guitar is based on the true story of Kreslin's father Milan. He bought the guitar in 1946 with his first salary. When he brought it to the tiny settlement of Beltinci, all the musicians including the Roma learned that a real guitar came to Beltinci. People kept asking him to lend them the guitar for their performances. At first he indulged their wishes, but then he started refusing because he kept getting back the guitar without strings etc. And then they started asking Kreslin where the guitar was, and it lasted for a long time – even the grandchildren of those who were the first to borrow it kept asking the same question. And thus the black guitar turned into a myth. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Sandi Fišer

Both parents of Vlado Kreslin, his mother Katica and his father Milan, used to sing at his concerts for several years. Mother was the first to retire from stage, and last December the birthday man announced he intended to do the same. "Advanced age ... I still like to play and sing, it still gives me joy. We will see what the time will bring," he said about his plans.

The members of the Beltinška banda gave him a musical instrument, somewhat smaller than his black guitar to which his son Vlado sang praise, and which is still remembered also by Valentina Smej Novak – the Kreslins used to get milk from the Smejs, and Milan, very pleased with his new instrument, had brought it with him.

At the occasion of his father's 90th birthday Vlado made a special CD for him, and in his own way commented the vitality of his father: "He is generally a phlegmatic person, for which I envy him. And Mother is even more phlegmatic. The two of us are more nervous."

Besides the common wishes for good health, the 90-year old father Kreslin warns about something which is missing from our hectic lives: " Mutual understanding, respect for each other. Appreciation. And forgiveness for mistakes we make." Milan sang with his friends also at the celebration – in the inn which used to belong to Kreslin, and in which he grew up.