In September next year the Slovenian national volleyball team will appear in the World Championship for the first time ever. Foto: BoBo
In September next year the Slovenian national volleyball team will appear in the World Championship for the first time ever. Foto: BoBo

The wards of Slobodan Kovač, who started his episode on the Slovenian bench very successfully, excelled at the Ljubljana tournament. They prevailed over the first four teams of a lower quality class than our team. In the decisive duel of the two undefeated teams the European vice-champions lost the first set (the only one they lost during the entire tournament), but then won the next three sets and thus won the berth for the World Championship in Italy and Bulgaria on September 10-30. Belgium as the second will participate in additional qualifications in July, where all the second-placed teams from the six qualification groups will appear.
It was the ninth match between Slovenia and Belgium, and the sixth victory. In the first three sets both teams were practically equal, every ball mad the difference, and all three sets had very dramatic endings. However, in the fourth set the domestic team took the lead. Tine Urnaut and Mitja Gasparini took the game into their hands, and under their leadership the Slovenians won the sufficient advantage. They were successful in blocking, and Kovač's players allowed no surprises and took the great victory.
T. J. , MMC; photo BoBo; translated by G. K.