"Our data show that the consequences of the strike are lower security, and increased number of criminal offences, mostly property crimes," the Police Unions comment the consequences of the Police strike. Foto: BoBo

It is the third month of the Police strike, as it began on November 18. And yet it seems that the government negotiators and the two police unions, the Trade Union of Police Offices (SPS) and the Police Trade Union of Slovenia (PSS), are still far from coming to an agreement. Last week the Unions rejected the government proposal as completely unacceptable; they claimed it was far from the strike demands.

Criminality grew on account of the strike
The fact is that the police strike is hardly felt by the citizens, as legal provisions demand the Police do their job at any given moment, regardless of the strike. The only prominent move by policemen was taking free days at Christmas holidays en masse.
"In our opinion the strike is most felt by the omission of penalties for minor offences, there is less policemen at public places, and they refrain from preventive functions and actions. Our data also show that the strike has caused drop in security, and an increased number of criminal offences, mostly in property crimes," the representatives of the Police Unions explain.