St Martin's Day is celebrated throughout Slovenia. Wine persons can enjoy wine tastings as early as the whole week before the feast day. Foto: BoBo
St Martin's Day is celebrated throughout Slovenia. Wine persons can enjoy wine tastings as early as the whole week before the feast day. Foto: BoBo
Dishes served in restaurants around Martinmas are goose, mlinci and cabbage. In addition to this, you can try turkey, roasted sausages, blood sausages, prosciutto, olives, as well as delicious home-made bread and pasta (fuži). Foto: BoBo
This year, the Feast of St Martin will be celebrated for a long weekend. Foto:
This year's Martinmas Programme in Goriška brda. Foto:

St Martin, a goose, mlinci and wine
In Slovenia, 11 November (and the week before that day) is dedicated to wine and festivities which are named after St Martin. The saying goes that "St Martin turns must into wine." As is the custom, the wine is blessed by someone who dresses up as a bishop – hence the relationship to St Martin.

In Slovenia, it has become a habit to celebrate Martinmas not just on 11 November, but the whole week before the feast day. The festivities are marked by an abundance of food and beverages. According to legend, on St Martin’s Day wine is served with a roast goose, mlinci (a thin crispy flatbread) and red cabbage.

Why exactly is it goose that is served on St Martin's Day? Legend has it that when trying to avoid being appointed bishop, St Martin hid in a flock of geese, which betrayed him by honking loudly. This is why a goose is killed and eaten on the feast day observed in commemoration of the death of St Martin.

It was only after World War II that Martinmas or martinja became significant for the Slovene Istria. Dishes typical of this region are prepared with olive oil (or simply bread and oil), which was then used to accompany young wine. More complex dishes prepared at the time were especially fuži (a type of pasta) with rooster or hen goulash (also named žgvacet), roast turkey, sauerkraut (kapus) and fried bread slices served with Refošk wine. However, the Feast of St Martin is celebrated throughout Slovenia and Europe.

This year's preparations for the Feast of St Martin in Goriška brda
From 8 to 10 November 2013, visitors to the Goriška brda region will be able to try a wide selection of local delicacies. In the medieval village of Šmartno, several cultural and musical events will be held, and in local wine cellars tastings of Goriška brda wines will take place.

At stalls, the visitors will have the opportunity to explore local culinary delights. Numerous culinary workshops will be held, and tasting of ecologically produced wines will be organized under expert guidance. A wide range of products of local women and winemakers will also be put up for sale. The programme of activities also includes basket-weaving, which is a traditional local craft, as well as the blessing of young wine and enjoying chestnuts.

According to Mr Franc Mužič, the Mayor of the Municipality of Brda, local people devote special attention to promoting tourism and fine wine. They are aware of the importance of advertising such events in media and local communities. “There are many such events organized. We give constant attention to promotion; there are a number of possibilities for promotion. We also cooperate with neighbouring municipalities. We are doing our best to offer high-quality products. It is the Feast of St Martin that makes Goriška Brda so exceptional, as during the festivities, vintners and wine growers can present their products into which they put a lot of effort.

Wine cellar in Dobrovo
Celebration will also take place in the Goriška brda Wine Cellar in the village of Dobrovo. At the Brda Wine Bar, St Martin’s dinner will be given and various cold meats served. This charity event is organized by Lions Club Dobrovo and is free. How to get there: you can take the museum train. For more information, click this link.

Tanja Mojzer, translated by D. M.