Over the last few years Panovec has become a sanctuary for wild boars. Foto: Wikipedia Commons
Over the last few years Panovec has become a sanctuary for wild boars. Foto: Wikipedia Commons

Panovec urban forest is full of runners, cyclists and other sporty people, but over the last few years the forest has become a sanctuary for wild boars. Nova Gorica town councillors were supposed to have adopted an updated byelaw permitting hunters to hunt and set up feeders there, and to cull a greater number of boars. But things went wrong.

Hunters do not know how many wild boars wander Panovec forest by night, which is a forest of special importance. They estimate that on some nights a herd can reach up to 50 boars, whereas the following night five might be counted. But, despite the problems, the damage and the fear the boars cause to locals and visitors, the change to the law was not adopted. The Goriška.si group of councillors demanded that the item be withdrawn from the agenda. The use of firearms in an urban forest, visited daily by 200 people, was problematic, according to the group.

Klemen Miklavič: "There was not enough time to adopt this decision, materials were sent too late and a commission, composed of various stakeholders in this process, failed to decide on this matter. In order to take such a decision, the process should be carried out correctly."
Deputy Mayor Marko Tribušon, who led the session in the absence of mayor Matej Arčon, admitted that councillors had received the materials late, but he did not agree with the withdrawal of the item. "Councillors did not fully understand the importance of this byelaw and its necessity.The fact is that the byelaw on Panovec forest covers the culling and control in the entire area of the forest. Changes to it would simply increase culling as well as the hunters’ control, which would ensure greater safety for our citizens."
But he was unable to convince the majority of councillors, who voted for the item to be withdrawn from the agenda. City management will therefore have to convene the Commission for Panovec, composed of different experts and members of the public, before the item can once again be put to the city council.