Travelling through our western wine-growing country guests are also presented with the region’s historical and ethnological features. Foto: Aljaž Sedovšek, Nea Culpa
Travelling through our western wine-growing country guests are also presented with the region’s historical and ethnological features. Foto: Aljaž Sedovšek, Nea Culpa

Travelling through our western wine-growing country guests are also presented with the region’s historical and ethnological features. And the interest for getting to know our regions and people is truly great.

The Nova Gorica Tourist Information Center, together with eight tourism providers from the Vipava Valley and the Avrigo transport services and tourism company, has put the “Happy GOGO Bus” on Slovenia’s tourist map. The gourmet round journey offers a brand new experience in Slovenia. A seat on the bus can be obtained by holding a wine-culinary passport. The mascot of the GOGO Bus is the Gander GOGO hero, who accompanies you during the whole tour.

Eight tourism providers for now, more in short
At the promotion of the GOGO Bus, Dejana Baša, the head of the Nova Gorica Tourist Information Center, said: "The GOGO Bus, which will take you across the Vipava and Goriška Brda regions, is an acronym for “GOriške GOstilne”. Our guests will be able to try all the delicacies and noble indigenous Slovenian wines, such as the Zelena and Pinela wine varieties in hospitable wine cellars, inns, restaurants and tourist farms. The Happy GOGO Bus will take you to all the excellent local offerers with no trouble at all. In return for a tasting coupon from the wine-culinary passport, you can enjoy a glass of wine or a delicious plate of house specialties. We are very happy to have succeeded in connecting the local providers in a new experience. We have in fact combined together all the key players in Goriška’s tourist offering, including those offering transport services. Our goal is for the other Slovenian tourist agencies to join us and offer the Happy GOGO Bus to all domestic and foreign guests."
At the moment the GOGO Bus makes eight stops on its round journey. The Nova Gorica Tourist Information Center announces that they will soon add more stops on the route. Many tourist farms, wine homesteads and restaurants would also like to join in.
It is praiseworthy that museums, cultural institutions and galleries from the Goriška Brda and Vipava regions also wish to be included in this new touristic circle. A cultural note could thus soon be added to the culinary-wine experience...