Diplomats serving at the foreign embassies in Ljubljana and foreigners living in Slovenia will write blogs for the MMC News in English site. After Jaime Hilton, Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy, next in line of our bloggers in Jose Antonio Morales, a Peruvian national. Tune in next week for more of Jose Antonio's thoughts.
My father has seven siblings and my mother nine. Just imagine the amount of cousins I have!
Waiting for Christmas was so exciting, the presents, playing so late at night with my cousins and the wonderful fireworks I cracked with my dad.
Every Christmas Eve the plan was similar, together with my sister we went early to sleep while my parents prepared the Christmas dinner. Papa Noel was coming home punctual and on schedule at eleven o'clock. I never found out how he managed such punctuality.
Sleeping was tough. We were so excited with the surprises we would uncover. My sister always behaved good, and that was always a matter of discussion and speculation. Waiting was tortuous and increasingly boring. The time started again when we felt our parents steps coming towards us. We closed our eyes and pretend we were deeply asleep. Some lights were turned on, the smell of candles and Christmas music confirmed, Papa Noel had arrived!
We resisted waking up for a few seconds just for theater's sake. We ran directly to the Christmas tree, were we found some presents ready to be opened. My parents, shared a glass of sparking wine and, and soon, as we finished opening presents they rushed us to wear the new cloth we received from the North Pole. Right after, we sat down at the dinner table to enjoy a delicious turkey.
Before leaving home, at around eleven forty, we prayed and welcomed the new born Jesus. It took me years to discover he was getting born twenty minutes later.
The following chapter of Christmas celebration was opening up. Fireworks adorned the dark skies all the way to my grandpa's home. That was the moment when my dad asked me for assistance, we were not going to ring the bell, we were going to blow the entrance door with firecrackers!
My grandpa opened the door swiftly before permanent damage would occur, we greeted our huge family and have fun until very late. The same happened at my grandma's home, she always received us with her infinite generosity and welcoming smile.
More than ten years ago that Božiček arrives home, here in Slovenia. You know what happens at eleven o'clock?
Jose Antonio Morales
You can find Jose Antonio Morales on:
Twitter: @joseamorales
Linkedin: http://linkd.in/N32LZH
Facebook community of foreigners in Slovenia: http://foreignersinslovenia.si
Diplomats serving at the foreign embassies in Ljubljana and foreigners living in Slovenia will write blogs for the MMC News in English site. After Jaime Hilton, Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy, next in line of our bloggers in Jose Antonio Morales, a Peruvian national. Tune in next week for more of Jose Antonio's thoughts.