The Adriatic Sea is very much alive and colourful. Foto: Evgen Suban
The Adriatic Sea is very much alive and colourful. Foto: Evgen Suban
Evgen Suban has received many domestic and international underwater photography awards. Foto: Mojca Dumančič, TV Slovenija
Evgen enjoys diving in both rivers and lakes, he has also gone diving in a few underwater caves, but the sea is closest to his heart. Our sea - the Adriatic Sea. Foto: Evgen Suban
Podvodni svet Jadrana

He photographs exclusively in the Adriatic Sea. His photographs prove that you don’t need to head to the tropical seas as our Adriatic is extremely colourful. "There is a lot of life under the water wherever you go. It is true that seas are more colourful than rivers, but fresh waters also have their charm. I’m especially very happy for the Vipava River, which is becoming clean again. Life is returning to it and trout are swimming again in the previously almost empty river. Another attraction of the deep pools of the Vipava River are the large catfish, even over two meters long. Coming face to face with a school of these mustached giants is a true experience for a diver."

Photographs exclusively in the Adriatic Sea
Evgen enjoy diving in both rivers and lakes, he has also gone diving in a few underwater caves, but the sea is closest to his heart. Our sea - the Adriatic Sea. "Those who say that Slovenia’s sea is empty are wrong. Even diving in Piran’s Punta area can be exciting. In order to capture a colourful underwater world with you cameras you don’t need to head to the tropical seas. We have it in front of our noses… I’ve been diving across the whole Adriatic Sea and I can say that it is a truly magical world," Suban says enthusiastically. Proof of that are his photographs, exhibited both at home and at international festivals. And what kind of sea life or plants does he prefer the most? "It’s difficult to single out the most beautiful thing in a beautiful world. But if I have to make a choice, then it would be those unusual little creatures in very colourful and strange shapes – sea snails. They’re extremely small - from a few millimeters to not more than two centimeters. I make the pictures using macro photography techniques."
No go without a flash under the surface
Evgen makes underwater photographs with a compact photo camera, but he would also like to have a single-lens reflex camera. Extremely important for the underwater photographer, apart from all the diving equipment and heavy scuba tank, is also the underwater flash. "Under the water a photographer has to bring light with him. The deeper you go the colours start to fade and disappear. A red colour starts disappearing when you’re five meters under the surface, and with every meter the spectrum of colours becomes narrower. It is only when you press the flash button that you discover the magic of the dark deep, when it suddenly bursts into colours."
His underwater photographs are currently on display in the lobby of the Nova Gorica town hall building. Next week there will be an exhibition of his work at the Komen library. Evgen also takes part in Slovenian and international festivals for underwater photography, where he has enjoyed success. At last year’s Slovenian DRM Open 16 underwater photography competition he won third place in the compact camera category, and an overall fifth place in all the categories. At the Croatian open underwater photography contest he won second place last year in the Ambience category.

Mojca Dumančič, TV Slovenija; translated by K. J., photo Evgen Suban

Podvodni svet Jadrana