In the motion to dismiss the party blames the Minister, among other things, of illicit gain of property by accepting the controversial standby bonuses, which upset a part of the political and general public. Foto: BoBo
In the motion to dismiss the party blames the Minister, among other things, of illicit gain of property by accepting the controversial standby bonuses, which upset a part of the political and general public. Foto: BoBo
Miha Kordiš
The United Left Party (ZL) has drafted a motion to dismiss against Minister of Finance Dušan Mramor. Foto: BoBo

In the motion to dismiss the party blames the Minister, among other things, of illicit gain of property by accepting the controversial standby bonuses, which upset a part of the political and general public. The reproaches are directed against the government as a whole. In their public statement the United Left Party claims that "the government has no political goals" and that "it is blindly following the policy of EU, and of the capital". The government has, in their opinion, »succumbed to right-wing dictate", the main culprits being PM Miro Cerar and Minister of Finance Dušan Mramor. The affair with bonuses was just the final straw for the United Left party, as it caused Mramor "to completely lose his credibility as far as the general public is concerned".

Mramor is blamed for other things as well by the United Left party. They consider him directly responsible for "undeserved incomes and staffing, destruction of the social state, sale of state property". They also blame him for "allowing and making possible for a handful of people to legally gain wealth at the expense of the majority by introducing tax pardons, cuts, and privatisation. What Mramor did illegally in the public sector for himself and for his colleagues, he did legally for his capitalist colleagues in the private sector." The motion to dismiss addresses also the correctness and expedience of the Bank Assets Management Company (DUTB).

Cerar backed up Mramor
Immediately after the revelation regarding standby bonuses calls for resignation were made, and after a couple of days the Minister did offer his resignation, but the president of the government Miro Cerar did not accept it.

ZL needs four more deputy signatures
As explained by the ZL deputy group, the motion to dismiss was prepared when Cerar decided that the government would continue its work in 2016 with the same members. In order to file the motion to dismiss as the opposition party, they need signatures of at least ten deputies. As the United Left party has six deputies, four more from the other deputy groups should sign the motion as well. Their willingness to support the motion will be probably known after today's sessions of the deputy groups.

It would be the third motion to dismiss in this mandate
Should the United Left party succeed in filing the motion to dismiss, it would be the third in the mandate of the current government. Vesna Györkös Žnidar was the first to survive the motion to dismiss in September last year; the motion was filed by the SDS party for the actions of the relevant bodies at the occasion of the arrest of the former Kosovo PM Ramush Haradinaj.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Karl Erjavec will have to appear in front of the members of parliament as well. The SDS and NSi parties are accusing him of pursuing wrong foreign policy. The motion to dismiss was filed in the beginning of January; Erjavec characterized its contents as "a pamphlet of accusations".

B. V., G. K.
Translated by G. K.