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Spotlight • oddaje

Spotlight Spotlight - Author Ana Marwan awarded Bachmann Prize


Spotlight - Author Ana Marwan awarded Bachmann Prize

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - No EU progress for Western Balkans


At the recent EU-Western Balkans summit Ukraine and Moldova were both granted an EU candidate status. But there was no progress for countries coming from the Western Balkans. No candidate-status for Bosnia and Herzegovina. No visa-liberalization for Kosovo. No official start to the negotiation process for Albania, or North Macedonia, which has been waiting to start the negotiations for 17 years now. And no progress in the EU accession talks for Serbia or Montenegro. Photo: EPA

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT: Pogačar wins 28th Tour of Slovenia


Slovenia's star cyclist Tadej Pogačar yesterday won the 28th Tour of Slovenia to defend last year's champion title. Pogačar finished the race ahead his polish teammate Rafal Majka, with Slovenia's Domen Novak from Bahrain-Victorius finishing third.

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT: US senators reach deal on gun control


Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v Sloveniji in svetu.

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Afriška VasFest 2022


The 6th edition of the Afriška Vas Festival or African Village Festival takes place in Ljubljana between the 10th and 12th of June. This year the festival focuses on North Africa - its music, culture and cuisine. We talked to the festival organizer Daniel Nzotam to tell us more about this year's program and what to expect... Photo: Daraa Tribes

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - A concert for the forests of Madagascar


Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v Sloveniji in svetu.

Spotlight Spotlight - Writer Boris Pahor has died


Spotlight - Writer Boris Pahor has died

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, May 30th: The Maribor theatre festival got under way today


The festival, also known as Borštnikovo srečanje, will feature 16 productions in the competition programme, eight shows in the accompanying programme and five guest productions from abroad. The oldest and the most prominent theatre festival in Slovenia will conclude on June 12th with the awarding of festival prizes and the Borštnik Ring.

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 25 May: Slovenian public broadcaster journalists stage token strike


RTV Slovenija journalists were staging an hour-long token strike on Monday. They were demanding journalistic autonomy and social dialogue. If their demands are not met by the end of the month, they will call for the resignation of the RTV SLO leadership, they said.

Spotlight Spotlight - LUX audience award


Spotlight - LUX audience award

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Slovenia back in the ice hockey elite


Slovenia successfully wrapped up the Ice Hockey World Championship Division 1 in Ljubljana last week. Slovenia played four matches, and won all four to advance to the ice hockey elite. Now, Slovenia and Hungary have announced a joint bid to host the elite dvision Ice Hockey World Championship in 2023. Photo: Aleš Fevžer

Spotlight Spotlight - Sinn Féin won the most seats in Thursday's poll


Spotlight - Sinn Féin won the most seats in Thursday's poll

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