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Spotlight - European Men's Handball Championship starts 13th January
Slovenia's second largest city Maribor will launch its first international school next year. Classes will be in English and available for those between the age of 3 and 19. The school is intended for children of foreign diplomats and representatives of businesses and other organisations, and children of Slovenian citizens residing or planning to reside abroad. City officials say the school will also help the further development of Maribor. Registration for pupils and applications for teachers are open until the end of January.
Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v Sloveniji in svetu.
The James Webb telescope will enable astronomers to look deeper into space and detect light from the first stars and galaxies. It will be the first glimpse of the universe as it existed when the earliest galaxies formed.
A polka band from the Koroška region has recently made it into the Guinness Book of Records. They're called the Štirje Kovači or Four Blacksmiths and now hold the record as the longest active polka music band in the world. The ensemble has been making music for nearly seven decades – 67 years to be exact - non-stop, without any breaks. Photo: Koroška Regional Museum
Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v Sloveniji in svetu.
Over the course of one year, over 1400 students in 100 Slovenian schools joined forces with scientists within the EU's Plastic Pirates project and helped them sample micro plastics in rivers. Ecologists Without Borders reported that pieces of plastic smaller than 5 millimeters were found at 75% of the sample-taking points. Most microplastic particles were found in the flowing reservoir lake between Krško and Brežice in the Sava River.
The Nobel Peace prizes were officially presented to this year's laureates, journalists Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov in Oslo. Maria Ressa is the first person from the Philippines to win the Nobel Peace prize. In 2012 she co-founded a government critical news website and was sentenced to jail last year. She's currently out on bail and was in Oslo for the ceremony. The other Nobel Peace Prize recipient Dmitry Muratov, was one of the founders of the independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta in 1993. Both were awarded with around $1.1 million, gold medals and diplomas. Photo: Reuters
Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v Sloveniji in svetu.
Spotlight- Successful weekend for Slovenia's ski-jumpers
Conservation ornithologist Tjaša Zagoršek of DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia ( talks about the fight against the smuggling of birds through Slovenia. The multimillion-euro industry is a threat to protected bird species in the country and in Europe.
Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v Sloveniji in svetu.
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