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Study abroad • oddaje

Study abroad Hermes says he wished someone had told him study programs in Slovenia focus on practical subjects and homework


The guest of today's show is Hermes, who chose to play Lule Lule, a traditional song of the Albanian community Aberesh, which has been living in southern Italy for centuries. 'Lule' means 'flower' in Albanian, although in the context of the lyrics it is understood as 'beloved'. Hermes, who is studying Tourism in Koper, says the song is a perfect reflection of his Albanian-Italian heritage!

Study abroad Alex and Bence spent their Erasmus internship at the Faculty of Energy Technology in Krško


Bence and Alex come from neighboring Hungary. In fact, they came to Krško by car. Despite having their own means of transport, they have not yet been able to explore Slovenia as much, as they have been mainly focusing on their studies and internship at the Faculty of Energy Technology in Krško. They chose to play the song Nem tudja senki by a three-member Hungarian hip-hop-rap pop band called Follow The Flow.

Study abroad Despite not speaking Slovene, Sunniva decided to join the Mixed Choir Viva Brežice


Sunniva says that when she first moved to Brežice for her semester abroad, she was overwhelmed, so she decided to seek out a familiar environment, one where she could feel safe even when everything else in Brežice was still unfamiliar. She decided to join the Mixed Choir Viva Brežice. She chose to play Keep Yourself Alive by Queen.

Study abroad Aram feels that in Slovenia, everything is built in "human size"


Aram says that in Slovenia, he always feels like a "human", because everything is built in "human size". In Russia, on the other hand, the tall buildings and wide roads often make one feel like a grain of sand. He chose to play the song Million Roses by Alla Pugacheva.

Study abroad During his exchange in Ljubljana, Simão joined Rugby Olimpija


Simão spent a semester in Ljubljana as an Erasmus student. Since he had lots of free time, he joined Olimpija Rugby. The Portuguese student, or Portugalec as his coach calls him, adds that unfortunately, the sport is not nearly as popular in Slovenia as it is in Portugal! He chose to play the song Vienna by Billy Joel.

Study abroad One of the main lessons Manuel says he will take from his studies in Ljubljana is money management


Since the law student and his roommates had different priorities, hobbies, and expenses, splitting the final sum into four equal parts wasn't ideal for their household. They decided that each of them would do their own shopping, but Manuel says they still share things like cookies. His song of choice was Into the Sun by Australian indie folk trio Sons Of The East.

Study abroad Darja says studying in Slovenia can be a bit chaotic, but that this same chaos is also “a breath of fresh air”


Darja is an artist of Russian-Ukrainian descent from Latvia who lives and studies in the Netherlands. Her Slavic roots are the reason why she chose to spend a semester in Ljubljana. She says that her studies in Slovenia can be a bit "chaotic" compared to the Netherlands, but that this suits her. She also found an afternoon job here. She chose to play a song by mexican singer Chavela Vargas titled La Llorona.

Study abroad After spending a semester in Ljubljana, Erik says Slovenia is very underrated


Erik chose to spend a semester in Slovenia after he made an online comparison of all the partner universities his home university in Germany had offered as possible Erasmus exhange destinations. The University of Ljubljana stood out as one of the best, and to him, it also seemed one of the most interesting. His song of choice was Zukunft Pink by Peter Fox (feat. Inéz).

Study abroad Christiana says culture is one of the main topics of conversation in her homeland


When someone says Greece, our first thoughts will most likely be that of culture, history, good food and beautiful beaches. This week’s guest points out the main topics of conversation in her homeland have been less glamorous these past few years. Christiana says artists and arts students across Greece face the devaluation of their degrees, while legal gaps in tackling femicide in Greece hinder victim's access to justice. She chose to play the song Odí sti fasaría (Prod. by Critical) by the greek artist Sara ATH.

Study abroad Grzegorz says he did not expect to make close friendships in such a short time


Grzegorz says that when choosing his Erasmus destination, he was deciding between Crete and Maribor. He decided on the latter because there was a better overlap with the subjects he had to complete during his exchange. At the end of his exhange, he says that he does not regret the decision and that what he'll remember most will be the people he met there.

Study abroad At the start of her exchange, Flora felt lost. Now, she’s not sure she wants to leave


In addition to French literature, Flora also studies English literature and culture. It’s therefore no wonder why her friends and family were surprised that she chose to spend her Erasmus exchange in Slovenia instead of England. However, she adds they quickly changed their minds when she started sending home photos of Ljubljana and Slovenia. She chose to play a song by the popular French artist MAXENSS titled La lune à 3h du mat.

Study abroad If there was one advice Neus would give her fellow students, it would be to go to classes


Neus is a 21-year-old Catalan student who came to Slovenia because it was the southernmost place of the locations offered to her for her Erasmus. She chose to play the song Permission to Dance by BTS.

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