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18 - First skiing trip


Today Dave learned a few tongue-twisters in Slovenian... a PARKIRIŠČE is a CAR PARK, a GOSTIŠČE is a GUESTHOUSE, and a PRENOČIŠČE is ACCOMMODATION, or where they're going to stay. They have a SMUČIŠČE and DRSALIŠČE for SKIING and SKATING… And they need to use the SEDEŽNICA – the CHAIR LIFT to get there... Oh, and Dave needs to go and lie down now.. on a JOGI - a MATTRESS!

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene

330 epizod

ANG A young Slovene girl called Fani spent a year in the Emerald Isle working as an au-pair. After falling in love with good-humoured Irish bartender Dave, Fani lures him back to Maribor. But how can he possibly survive without knowing any Slovene? Trying to master »survival Slovene« turns out to be an incredible challenge for the highly motivated Dave, and occasionally a real nightmare for his beloved Fani. A Daily dose of Slovene language for foreigners wanting to improve their everyday Slovene, and have a laugh while doing it. Premieres every weekday at 7:30 am, rebroadcasts at 3:45 pm … only on Radio Si. ******************************************************* SLO Mlada slovenka Fani je leto dni preživela na zelenem Irskem kot varuška otrok. Tam se zaljubi v hudomušnega barmana Davea in ga zvabi, da se z njo vrne/preseli v Maribor. A le kako v Sloveniji preživeti brez znanja slovenščine? Spoznavanje »preživetvene slovenščine« je za izjemno motiviranega Irca neverjeten izziv, za njegovo Fani pa občasno prava nočna mora. Dnevna doza slovenskega jezika za vse tujce, ki bi se želeli vsak dan naučiti nekaj novih slovenskih besed za vsakdanjik in se ob tem še nasmejati. Vsak delavnik premiera ob 7:30, ponovitev ob 15:45 … samo na Radiu Si.

18 - First skiing trip


Today Dave learned a few tongue-twisters in Slovenian... a PARKIRIŠČE is a CAR PARK, a GOSTIŠČE is a GUESTHOUSE, and a PRENOČIŠČE is ACCOMMODATION, or where they're going to stay. They have a SMUČIŠČE and DRSALIŠČE for SKIING and SKATING… And they need to use the SEDEŽNICA – the CHAIR LIFT to get there... Oh, and Dave needs to go and lie down now.. on a JOGI - a MATTRESS!


27 - Walk in the park

Dave and Fani decided to get a new family member – a KODER – a POODLE. He will need a lot of LOVE – LJUBEZEN, a VET – VETERINARja, a HAIRDRESSER – FRIZERja and FOOD – HRANO.


026 - Horse riding

Today Dave had a riding lesson... He learned that MAJHNA PUNČKA means LITTLE GIRL, KONJENIŠKI KLUB is EQUESTRIAN CLUB, LEPOTIČKA is BEAUTY, KONJ is HORSE, JAHATI means RIDING, LJUBOSUMEN is JEALOUS, PRVAK is CHAMPION, POKAŽI means SHOW ME, NAJBOLJŠA is THE BEST, JOB is SLUŽBA and POSKUSIMO means LET’S TRY. We are looking forward to the next episode… :)


25 -Lost girl

This time Dave was sweating in a shopping centre. A new lesson for him… but he practiced some new words… IZGUBITI SE means TO GET LOST, MAMICA is MUMMY, NEZNANCI are STRANGERS, NE JOČI means DON’T CRY, KOLIKO SI STARA means HOW OLD ARE YOU, KJE STANUJEŠ means WHERE DO YOU LIVE, BLIZU is CLOSE, VARNOSTNIK is SECURITY GUARD, OZVOČENJE is SOUND SYSTEM... And remember, never betray children's secrets.


24 -Politics



23 - Lazy friend

LEN, or LENA, does mean LAZY, but LENA is also a common Slovene female name. Anyway, whether Dave is LEN or not is up for debate, but the fact of the matter is that today Dave did learn the difference between UMAZANO – DIRTY and ČISTO – CLEAN, and he did learn how to use a METLA – a BROOM, how to SWEEP THE FLOOR – POMESTI TLA, BRISATI PRAH – CLEAN THE DUST, to VACUUM THE HOUSE – SESATI HIŠO, and that you do have to be gentle with the ČASOPIS – NEWSPAPER, when washing the OKNO – WINDOW.


22 - Parents-in-law

Today Dave learned some new words – MOM is MAMA, FATHER is OČE, MOTHER-IN-LAW is TAŠČA and FATHER-IN-LAW is TAST. FLOWERS are ROŽE, WINE is VINO and BIRTHDAY is ROJSTNI DAN.


21 - Postman

Dave got scared to death today, but he learned some new words – POŠTA is POST and PAKET is PACKAGE. He’s not from Slovenia and that means he’s a TUJEC or a FOREIGNER. PODPIS is SIGNATURE, a FEMALE FRIEND is PRIJATELJICA, NOSEČA means PREGNANT, and that’s what Fani is not...yet...


20 - Housework

Well, Dave is no good at cleaning, but he learned some new Slovene words anyway. Now we know BATHROOM is KOPALNICA, TOILET is STRANIŠČE, and BATHTUB is KAD. We also now the BOTTOM is SPODAJ and UP is ZGORAJ, RED is RDEČE, WHITE is BELO, and PINK is ROZA. That’s something, right?


19 - With the niece to the cinema

The first visit to the cinema in Slovenia did not end according to Dave‘s wishes. But he still learned some new words... NEČAKINJA - NIECE, PRAVLJICA - FAIRY TALE, POGLEJ - LOOK, DOVOLJ STARA - OLD ENOUGH, HITRO - FAST, DRZNO - FURIOS, PREDLOG - SUGGESTION, NEVERJETNO - INCREDIBLE, STRINJATI SE - TO AGREE and NI SLABO - NOT BAD. Dave is really making progress :)


18 - First skiing trip

ANG A young Slovene girl called Fani spent a year in the Emerald Isle working as an au-pair. After falling in love with good-humoured Irish bartender Dave, Fani lures him back to Maribor. But how can he possibly survive without knowing any Slovene? Trying to master »survival Slovene« turns out to be an incredible challenge for the highly motivated Dave, and occasionally a real nightmare for his beloved Fani. A Daily dose of Slovene language for foreigners wanting to improve their everyday Slovene, and have a laugh while doing it. Premieres every weekday at 7:30 am, rebroadcasts at 3:45 pm … only on Radio Si. ******************************************************* SLO Mlada slovenka Fani je leto dni preživela na zelenem Irskem kot varuška otrok. Tam se zaljubi v hudomušnega barmana Davea in ga zvabi, da se z njo vrne/preseli v Maribor. A le kako v Sloveniji preživeti brez znanja slovenščine? Spoznavanje »preživetvene slovenščine« je za izjemno motiviranega Irca neverjeten izziv, za njegovo Fani pa občasno prava nočna mora. Dnevna doza slovenskega jezika za vse tujce, ki bi se želeli vsak dan naučiti nekaj novih slovenskih besed za vsakdanjik in se ob tem še nasmejati. Vsak delavnik premiera ob 7:30, ponovitev ob 15:45 … samo na Radiu Si.


17 - Football match

Dave learns new words at every turn. PRESENEČENJE is SURPRISE, NOGOMET is FOOTBALL, NAVIJAČI are FANS, DIVJI is WILD, ZELENA is GREEN, KOKICE is POPCORN, VELIKI TREBUH is BIG BELLY, MOŠKI is A MAN, NEBO is SKY, ZVEZDE are STARS... And between the words LJUBI and UBIJ there is a big difference...


16 - Deci-deci

Yes indeed, Dave learns fast. A quick recap of today’s words: ME VESELI – NICE TO MEET YOU, NATAKAR – WAITER, SOK – JUICE, ČAJ – TEA, VROČA ČOKOLADA – HOT CHOCOLATE, KAKAV is COCOA, VODA is WATER, and DECI-DECI means, well, one decilitre of something, and another decilitre of something else. Drink up!


15 - Car on fire

Yes indeed, you’ve got to love Dave for trying! He might not be fluent in Slovene yet, but he will eventually learn the difference between ŽAGATI avto – TO CUT a car, ZAŽGATI avto – TO BURN a car, and VŽGATI avto – TO START a car. Zažgati, Vžgati... and away we go ;)


14 - Where are my clothes?

Perhaps you noticed something awkward in Dave’s Slovene this morning. Well, when you want to ask someone where something is, you say KJE JE.. that something, not “KAM JE”. For example, KJE SO MOJE HLAČE – WHERE ARE MY PANTS, or KJE SO MOJE NOGAVICE – WHERE ARE MY SOCKS. “KAM” also means “WHERE”, but is used in the context of direction and movement. For example “KAM GREŠ DAVE?” – WHERE ARE YOU GOING DAVE?


13 - Online shopping

Dave is a bit mad at the Slovene language, but he keeps learning... today he learned DOLŽINA is LENGTH, HLAČE are PANTS, POŠTNINA is SHIPMENT, NASLOV is ADDRESS, POŠTA is POST and POPUST is DISCOUNT. He will get there, sooner or later.


12 - Herbert in Rita

So what have we learned today? Well, for one thing, when trying to speak Slovene be as clear and articulate as possible. And remember, your BACK is called HRBET, and your BEHIND is not rita, but RIT, or ZADNJICA.


11 - At the open market

Now why don’t we leave these two lovebirds for a moment, and let’s do a short recap of what we’ve learned. MARKETPLACE – TRŽNICA, VEGETABLES – ZELENJAVA, FRUIT – SADJE, PUMPKIN is BUČA, a WATERMELON is a LUBENICA. And if you’re SWEET AS HONEY, you’re SLADEK (masculine), or SLADKA (feminine) KOT MED :)


10 - With friends at the local pub

Today Dave learned some new words - KELNARCA or NATAKARICA is WAITRESS, PIVO is BEER, VELIKO is BIG, MALO is SMALL, TOČENO is DRAFT, STEKLENICA is BOTTLE, HLADNO is COLD and MRZLO is COLD ... and that’s just in 2 minutes at the bar :)


9 - Nice dreams

Early in the morning Dave learned that DREAMS are SANJE, BEACH is PLAŽA, WAVES are VALOVI, SUN is SONCE, the SEA is MORJE and VACATION is POČITNICE.

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