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69 - Gardening


Today Dave's workout was DIGGING – KOPANJE with a SHOVEL – z LOPATO. He learned that Fani's mother has a HERB GARDEN – ZELIŠČNI VRT where she grows HERBS – ZELIŠČA. There are some VEGETABLES - ZELENJAVA that we PLANT – SADIMO, and some that we SOW – SEJEMO… For a big FAMILY – DRUŽINA it’s important to have a big GARDEN – VRT. Oh, and MELISSA (LEMON BALM) – that's MELISA – an herb.

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene

330 epizod

ANG A young Slovene girl called Fani spent a year in the Emerald Isle working as an au-pair. After falling in love with good-humoured Irish bartender Dave, Fani lures him back to Maribor. But how can he possibly survive without knowing any Slovene? Trying to master »survival Slovene« turns out to be an incredible challenge for the highly motivated Dave, and occasionally a real nightmare for his beloved Fani. A Daily dose of Slovene language for foreigners wanting to improve their everyday Slovene, and have a laugh while doing it. Premieres every weekday at 7:30 am, rebroadcasts at 3:45 pm … only on Radio Si. ******************************************************* SLO Mlada slovenka Fani je leto dni preživela na zelenem Irskem kot varuška otrok. Tam se zaljubi v hudomušnega barmana Davea in ga zvabi, da se z njo vrne/preseli v Maribor. A le kako v Sloveniji preživeti brez znanja slovenščine? Spoznavanje »preživetvene slovenščine« je za izjemno motiviranega Irca neverjeten izziv, za njegovo Fani pa občasno prava nočna mora. Dnevna doza slovenskega jezika za vse tujce, ki bi se želeli vsak dan naučiti nekaj novih slovenskih besed za vsakdanjik in se ob tem še nasmejati. Vsak delavnik premiera ob 7:30, ponovitev ob 15:45 … samo na Radiu Si.

69 - Gardening


Today Dave's workout was DIGGING – KOPANJE with a SHOVEL – z LOPATO. He learned that Fani's mother has a HERB GARDEN – ZELIŠČNI VRT where she grows HERBS – ZELIŠČA. There are some VEGETABLES - ZELENJAVA that we PLANT – SADIMO, and some that we SOW – SEJEMO… For a big FAMILY – DRUŽINA it’s important to have a big GARDEN – VRT. Oh, and MELISSA (LEMON BALM) – that's MELISA – an herb.


8 - Counting

Poor Dave… In Slovenia we count from right to left. So, 23 is three and twenty, or TRI IN DVAJSET. 45 is five and forty, or PET IN ŠTIRIDESET. But if things get too stressful, like it did for Dave at the supermarket, and you want to avoid paying in CASH – GOTOVINA, always remember to carry with you your KARTICA which is short for BANČNA KARTICA or BANK CARD... Just in case ??


7 - Breakfast in bed

Today Dave learned some new words - BREAKFAST is ZAJTRK, BED is POSTELJA, SAUSAGE is KLOBASA, EGGS are JAJČKA or JAJCA, SHORT is KRATKO... but Dave still doesn't know what PETELINJI ZAJTRK is... :)


6 - Good morning

That was Dave's first meeting with his neighbour Jože. On that first day, he used the following words: "Dober dan, sosed." DOBER DAN means GOOD DAY, SOSED means NEIGHBOUR. In the course of the next few days and weeks, Dave will learn a lot more. For example, he learned how to introduce himself... Dave: Dober dan, sosed Jože. Ime mi je Dave, prihajam iz Irske. Jože: Me veseli, Dave. Kako ste? Dave: Dobro, hvala, pa vi? Jože: Ah, bo že… Kure so mi pobegnile, traktor se mi je pokvaril, kosilnica ne dela, sin ne posluša, žena govori nazaj... And as sosed Jože continues listing his problems, Dave continues with his learning, and adventures in Slovenia.


5 - Empty fridge

ANG A young Slovene girl called Fani spent a year in the Emerald Isle working as an au-pair. After falling in love with good-humoured Irish bartender Dave, Fani lures him back to Maribor. But how can he possibly survive without knowing any Slovene? Trying to master »survival Slovene« turns out to be an incredible challenge for the highly motivated Dave, and occasionally a real nightmare for his beloved Fani. A Daily dose of Slovene language for foreigners wanting to improve their everyday Slovene, and have a laugh while doing it. Premieres every weekday at 7:30 am, rebroadcasts at 3:45 pm … only on Radio Si. ******************************************************* SLO Mlada slovenka Fani je leto dni preživela na zelenem Irskem kot varuška otrok. Tam se zaljubi v hudomušnega barmana Davea in ga zvabi, da se z njo vrne/preseli v Maribor. A le kako v Sloveniji preživeti brez znanja slovenščine? Spoznavanje »preživetvene slovenščine« je za izjemno motiviranega Irca neverjeten izziv, za njegovo Fani pa občasno prava nočna mora. Dnevna doza slovenskega jezika za vse tujce, ki bi se želeli vsak dan naučiti nekaj novih slovenskih besed za vsakdanjik in se ob tem še nasmejati. Vsak delavnik premiera ob 7:30, ponovitev ob 15:45 … samo na Radiu Si.


5 - Empty fridge

There's a long way ahead for Dave, but he'll make it. He has already learned that FRIDGE is HLADILNIK, HUNGRY is LAČEN, SHOPPING is NAKUPOVANJE, he has INSTRUCTIONS – NAVODILA, a KEY is KLJUČ, a STORE is TRGOVINA, LEFT is LEVO, RIGHT is DESNO, STRAIGHT is NARAVNOST, CROSSROAD is KRIŽIŠČE and ROUNDABOUT is KROŽIŠČE. He learned the theory, now he just needs practice…


4 - First step in the apartment

Today Dave got to see his new home in Maribor – his STANOVANJE or APARTMENT, with a small BATHROOM or KOPALNICA. Dave and Fani are also going to need some new POHIŠTVO - FURNITURE for the DNEVNA SOBA - LIVING ROOM, some cook books for the KUHINJA or KITCHEN and.. a pencil and paper for the SPALNICA - the BEDROOM.


3 - Shuttle to Maribor

It looks like Dave will easily fit into society. He just learned some new Slovenian words: PODZEMNA ŽELEZNICA is SUBWAY, ŠOFER is DRIVER, VELIKO means A LOT, POZNO is LATE, NARAVA is NATURE, GREMO is LET’S GO, GORE are MOUNTAINS, SNEG is SNOW, GOZD is FOREST, TRAVA is GRASS, KAKO DOLGO means HOW LONG … and you better not be in a hurry in Slovenia. :)


2 - Customs control

Dave has landed in Slovenia. And he did manage to successfully “exit” this situation. Immediately upon arriving to Slovenia he learned that IZHOD is EXIT, and VHOD is ENTRY, that a PASSPORT is a POTNI LIST, that LUGGAGE is called PRTLJAGA, a SUITCASE is a KOVČEK, a SANDWICH is a SENDVIČ, HAM is ŠUNKA, and that the EU is one HAPPY FAMILY, a SREČNA DRUŽINA;)


1 - Flight to Slovenia

Dave is concerned, but determined to take on a huge challenge. Already on the way to Slovenia he learns his first Slovene words. DARILO is GIFT, SLOVAR is DICTIONARY, ODLIČNO is PERFECT, IZZIV is CHALLENGE, SLOVENŠČINA means SLOVENE, ZALJUBITi SE means TO FALL IN LOVE and PRVA POMOČ is FIRST AID … Dave will definitely need it. ??


0 - Dave's Challenge coming soon

Dave's Challenge - Starting in February!

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