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153 - Irish phrases


There is nothing like a good chat with a friend over a drink… This time Dave was the teacher, as he explained a few of the Irish PHRASES - IZRAZI he commonly uses. BLIMEY means to express SURPRISE - PRESENEČENJE. JANEY MACK has the same meaning and is short for JESUS, MARY and JOSEPH - JEZUS, MARIJA in JOŽEF. When you want to GO TO THE TOILET – ITI NA STRANIŠČE/WC, in Ireland you say “YOU GOTTA HIT THE JACKS”. And perhaps the most often used Irish word is SLÁINTE or NA ZDRAVJE!

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene

330 epizod

ANG A young Slovene girl called Fani spent a year in the Emerald Isle working as an au-pair. After falling in love with good-humoured Irish bartender Dave, Fani lures him back to Maribor. But how can he possibly survive without knowing any Slovene? Trying to master »survival Slovene« turns out to be an incredible challenge for the highly motivated Dave, and occasionally a real nightmare for his beloved Fani. A Daily dose of Slovene language for foreigners wanting to improve their everyday Slovene, and have a laugh while doing it. Premieres every weekday at 7:30 am, rebroadcasts at 3:45 pm … only on Radio Si. ******************************************************* SLO Mlada slovenka Fani je leto dni preživela na zelenem Irskem kot varuška otrok. Tam se zaljubi v hudomušnega barmana Davea in ga zvabi, da se z njo vrne/preseli v Maribor. A le kako v Sloveniji preživeti brez znanja slovenščine? Spoznavanje »preživetvene slovenščine« je za izjemno motiviranega Irca neverjeten izziv, za njegovo Fani pa občasno prava nočna mora. Dnevna doza slovenskega jezika za vse tujce, ki bi se želeli vsak dan naučiti nekaj novih slovenskih besed za vsakdanjik in se ob tem še nasmejati. Vsak delavnik premiera ob 7:30, ponovitev ob 15:45 … samo na Radiu Si.

153 - Irish phrases


There is nothing like a good chat with a friend over a drink… This time Dave was the teacher, as he explained a few of the Irish PHRASES - IZRAZI he commonly uses. BLIMEY means to express SURPRISE - PRESENEČENJE. JANEY MACK has the same meaning and is short for JESUS, MARY and JOSEPH - JEZUS, MARIJA in JOŽEF. When you want to GO TO THE TOILET – ITI NA STRANIŠČE/WC, in Ireland you say “YOU GOTTA HIT THE JACKS”. And perhaps the most often used Irish word is SLÁINTE or NA ZDRAVJE!


65 - Little niece Mia

Today Dave learned that SMRDIŠ means YOU SMELL, although we're not quite sure he got the true meaning of that one. He also learned that IGRIŠČE is a PLAYGROUND, NEČAKINJA is NIECE and... well, maybe it's better if he doesn't know what 'cepec' really means! Ignorance is bliss sometimes!


64 - Swimming pool or cemetery?

Little did Dave know by then that “kopališče” and “pokopališče” are two very different things. A KOPALIŠČE is a SWIMMING POOL, but a POKOPALIŠČE is the CEMETERY, the place where we bury our dead. So, remember, if you're with someone, and YOU LOVE EACH OTHER – SE IMATE RADI, always choose to go to the kopališče, and never to the pokopališče. Peace be with you ;)


63 - Become a vegetarian

So, that’s the way our young couple ended their conversation about them becoming vegetarians. Anyway, Dave learned some new Slovenian words: ŽIVALI – ANIMALS, ZDRAVJE – HEALTH, ZELENJAVA – VEGETABLES, SADJE – FRUIT, OREŠČKI – NUTS, OREHI – WALNUTS, ARAŠIDI – PEANUTS and INDIJSKI OREŠČKI – CASHEWS.


62 - Pancakes

Today Dave learned some more new words: PALAČINKE - PANCAKES, RECEPT - RECIPE, MOKA - FLOUR, POSNETO MLEKO - SKIM MILK, SOL - SALT, POPER - PEPPER, VILICA - FORK and NOŽ - KNIFE. Dober tek – bon appetit … if you also made your Boxty :)


61 - Ice cream



60 - Zoo

Dave’s first visit to the Zoo in Ljubljana was a lot of fun and he learned some new words… ŽIVALSKI VRT - ZOO, MIŠ or MIŠKA - MOUSE, NAČRT - PLAN, OPICA - MONKEY, KRAVA – COW, TJULENJ – SEAL, LEV - LION, DOLGI VRAT - LONG NECK, BITI PODOBEN – TO RESEMBLE/LOOK LIKE, SVIZEC - MARMOT, SLON - ELEPHANT, PAPIGA - PARROT, LAČEN - HUNGRY and Dave is often ŽEJEN – THIRSTY :)


59 - Birthday invitation

Dave obviously knows how to take care of good neigbourly relations very well. He learned some new words today… DANES - TODAY, CRKNJEN or MRTEV - DEAD, POZABITI – TO FORGET, ROJSTNI DAN - BIRTHDAY, VABILO - INVITATION, DARILO - A GIFT, MOŽ - HUSBAND, ROŽE - FLOWERS, SLADKO - SWEET, PAMETNO – SMART, VESEL - HAPPY and PLES – DANCE :)


58 - Žnidaršičev Vrh 64

Well, it does happen. You can get lost, and in this case Dave and Fani did definitely GET LOST, or in Slovene, STA SE IZGUBILA. And so Dave didn’t find the house he was looking for, but he did find out that DESNO is RIGHT and LEVO is LEFT. That a CROSSROAD is a KRIŽIŠČE, that a ROUNDABOUT is a KROŽIŠČE, that when you make a TURN you ZAVIJEŠ, that an EXIT is an IZHOD, and that when you PASS something, like a hotel, you go MIMO hotela...


57 - Kakec festival

Today, Dave found out that JUICE is SOK, PIE is PITA and he learnt a very important lesson... Kaki (Persimmon) is a fruit. It doesn't smell too bad and it tastes SLASTNO - DELICIOUS!


56 - Sawing and mowing

Off goes Dave to CUT THE GRASS – KOSITI TRAVO, while Fani starts preparing a big tasty LUNCH, an obilno KOSILO, for her dear Dave. Who knows, it might turn out to be a LEP DAN – A NICE DAY after all.


56 - Sawing and mowing

ANG A young Slovene girl called Fani spent a year in the Emerald Isle working as an au-pair. After falling in love with good-humoured Irish bartender Dave, Fani lures him back to Maribor. But how can he possibly survive without knowing any Slovene? Trying to master »survival Slovene« turns out to be an incredible challenge for the highly motivated Dave, and occasionally a real nightmare for his beloved Fani. A Daily dose of Slovene language for foreigners wanting to improve their everyday Slovene, and have a laugh while doing it. Premieres every weekday at 7:30 am, rebroadcasts at 3:45 pm … only on Radio Si. ******************************************************* SLO Mlada slovenka Fani je leto dni preživela na zelenem Irskem kot varuška otrok. Tam se zaljubi v hudomušnega barmana Davea in ga zvabi, da se z njo vrne/preseli v Maribor. A le kako v Sloveniji preživeti brez znanja slovenščine? Spoznavanje »preživetvene slovenščine« je za izjemno motiviranega Irca neverjeten izziv, za njegovo Fani pa občasno prava nočna mora. Dnevna doza slovenskega jezika za vse tujce, ki bi se želeli vsak dan naučiti nekaj novih slovenskih besed za vsakdanjik in se ob tem še nasmejati. Vsak delavnik premiera ob 7:30, ponovitev ob 15:45 … samo na Radiu Si.


55 - Engagement

So, Fani was proposed to by Dave. Dave is in seventh heaven and also learned new words: SVEČA – CANDLE, ROŽE – FLOWERS, GLASBA – MUSIC, and he bought the perfect PRSTAN – RING with the almost perfect PRECIOUS STONE – DRAGI KAMEN.


54 - At the dentist

Despite the pain, Dave learned new words today: FEAR is STRAH, DUST is PRAH, TOOTH is ZOB, and a ZOBOZDRAVNIK is a DENTIST who will help him with the PAIN – BOLEČINA.


53 - Irish family

Today Dave learned how to talk about his family. STRIC is UNCLE, BRATRANEC is MALE COUSIN, SESTRIČNA is FEMALE COUSIN, BRAT is BROTHER and SESTRA is SISTER.


52 - Romance under the stars

A romantic evening taught Dave some new words… CRICKET is ČRIČEK, STAR is ZVEZDA, MOON is LUNA, MILK is MLEKO, PIE is PITA and CHERRY is ČEŠNJA.


51 - Gorice

Today Dave learned that GORICE are HILLS, GORČICA is MUSTARD, and GOR is UP, and that they are all very different things.


50 -Train to Ptuj

Dave finally managed to get a TICKET – VOZOVNICA to Ptuj. He could have bought a SINGLE TICKET – ENOSMERNA VOZOVNICA, but decided to get a RETURN - POVRATNA instead. He didn't have to wait long on the PLATFORM – PERON... and the TRAIN - VLAK didn't have to wait on the TRACK - TIR, for him, either.


49 - Days of the week

Today Mia taught Dave the days of the week – PONEDELJEK, TOREK, SREDA, ČETRTEK, PETEK, SOBOTA... and the day that most people relax and do nothing – NEDELJA. Except for Mia maybe, she practises the PIANO - KLAVIR.


48 - Bad day

Well, it wasn’t the best day for Fani, but Dave sure knows how to make it better. And he also knows some new words. TO ASK - VPRAŠATI, DAY - DAN, GOOD MORNING - DOBRO JUTRO, BUS - AVTOBUS, BOSS - ŠEF, PRINCIPAL - RAVNATELJ. TO GET MAD - RAZJEZITI SE, BEGINNING - ZAČETEK, TOE - PRST, BREAKFAST - ZAJTRK, KID - OTROK and TO VOMIT - BRUHATI. He also learned that TO STINK is SMRDETI, HURT is BOLEČINA and LUNCH is KOSILO.


47 - Špela's birthday

Well, the cake is ruined, but Dave is ready to sing Špela the sorry song… And he also knows some new words... TO BE LATE – BITI POZEN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY – VSE NAJBOLJŠE, SINGING - PETJE, MUSIC - GLASBA, SONG - PESEM and SURPRISE - PRESENEČENJE. He will surprise Špela with another PRESENT – DARILO in a BOX – v ŠKATLI. ROUND is OKROGLO, COLOURFUL is PISANO and SWEET is SLADKO. And the most important thing he will say: SORRY – OPROSTI to Špela.

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