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Oddaja EURANET PLUS 06.04.2024


Tudi v tokratni oddaji Euranet Plus bomo pregledali tedensko dogajanje v Evropski unij, ki st jo zaznamovali delni pristop Bolgarija in Romunija schengenskemu območju in poziv evropskemu parlamentu k takojšnji preiskavi domnevnega ruskega vplivanja na evropske poslance. Izpostavljamo pa 75. obletnico ustanovitve severnoatlantske zveze Nato. V drugem delu pa se bomo lotili vzpona skrajne desnice na prihajajočih evropskih volitvah. Scenarij političnega ravnovesja v Evropskem parlamentu bi se lahko po junijskih volitvah korenito spremenil. Kaj so razlogi za generiranje skrajno desne ideologije smo med drugimi povprašali doc.dr. Matjaža Nahtigala, predstojnika Katedre za mednarodne odnose na Fakulteti za družbene vede univerze v Ljubljani. Oddajo je pripravil Ivo Kores.

Euranet Plus

815 epizod

Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.

Oddaja EURANET PLUS 06.04.2024


Tudi v tokratni oddaji Euranet Plus bomo pregledali tedensko dogajanje v Evropski unij, ki st jo zaznamovali delni pristop Bolgarija in Romunija schengenskemu območju in poziv evropskemu parlamentu k takojšnji preiskavi domnevnega ruskega vplivanja na evropske poslance. Izpostavljamo pa 75. obletnico ustanovitve severnoatlantske zveze Nato. V drugem delu pa se bomo lotili vzpona skrajne desnice na prihajajočih evropskih volitvah. Scenarij političnega ravnovesja v Evropskem parlamentu bi se lahko po junijskih volitvah korenito spremenil. Kaj so razlogi za generiranje skrajno desne ideologije smo med drugimi povprašali doc.dr. Matjaža Nahtigala, predstojnika Katedre za mednarodne odnose na Fakulteti za družbene vede univerze v Ljubljani. Oddajo je pripravil Ivo Kores.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.


EU izjava dneva: Facebookova žvižgačka spregovorila v evropskem parlamentu

Danes nas zanima, kaj je bila ključna tema tega tedna v Evropskem parlamentu, ko se je tam pojavila gospa z imenom Frances Haugen?


EURANET PLUS 06.11.2021

Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.


EU IZJAVA, 3.11. Gueterres z alarmanim svarilom na podnebni konferenci v Glasgowu

Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.


Oddaja Euranet Plus, 30.10.2021

Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.


EURANET PLUS 23.10. 2021

Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.

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