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Her Excellency Ambassador Simona Leskovar


Her Excellency Ambassador Simona Leskovar is coming to the end of her 4 years serving in the UK at the Slovene Embassy in London. She has also served in Japan, Korea, the United Nations in New York and held many other posts in her career as a diplomat. The Slovene Embassy in London is almost exactly in the middle of a line between Buckingham Palace and Westminster so I felt it a great opportunity to travel to London and record her experiences in the Embassy there. The Slovene Embassy in London is almost exactly in the middle of a line between Buckingham Palace and Westminster so I felt it a great opportunity to travel to London and record her experiences in the Embassy there.

My life, my music

261 epizod

Today’s journalism rarely offers a chance to get behind the face of many people in our society. My Life, My Music offers conversations that allow time to understand how the guest has reached their goals and what is important to them. Along with 8 tracks of music chosen by the guest the programme takes a journey though many different personal philosophies with inspirational guests from all walks of life.

Her Excellency Ambassador Simona Leskovar


Her Excellency Ambassador Simona Leskovar is coming to the end of her 4 years serving in the UK at the Slovene Embassy in London. She has also served in Japan, Korea, the United Nations in New York and held many other posts in her career as a diplomat. The Slovene Embassy in London is almost exactly in the middle of a line between Buckingham Palace and Westminster so I felt it a great opportunity to travel to London and record her experiences in the Embassy there. The Slovene Embassy in London is almost exactly in the middle of a line between Buckingham Palace and Westminster so I felt it a great opportunity to travel to London and record her experiences in the Embassy there.


Gregor Blažič

When buying and roasting coffee beans is the family business it's not that surprising that a young member of the family decides that this knowledge is a good starting point to sell coffee as a drink. Gregor Blažič has done exactly that and this year has joined with Matija Krebs to open the specialist coffee bar Hikofi in Maribor. There are other skills in his life though and one is that he is a professional percussionist and has worked with many bands in Slovenia and outside. Of course this means you can expect some great music choices too.


Noah Charney

Noah Charney is an international best-selling author and professor of art history. He was born in Connecticut and studied in America whilst travelling on exchange trips to Europe. In London he studied at the Courtauld Institute and received a Masters for his work on seventeenth century sculpture in Rome. Later at St. John's College Cambridge he received a second Masters in the History of Art. In 2012, in Slovenia he was persuaded to write a thesis on the work of the Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik for which he received a PhD in Art History from the University of Ljubljana. From his research of art has also come an interest in art theft and in 2007 Noah published his first novel, "The Art Thief". Much travelled for both work and pleasure, he says they are both the same thing, he has settled in Kamnik with his Slovene wife and their two children. This conversation touches on all this as well as his love of music and many years of being part of the punk band, "The Jump Into".


Ana Lukner Roljič

I enjoy every opportunity to have conversations with my many guests but this week was someone extra special. Slovenian Ana Lukner Roljič has become a much-respected figure in Silicon Valley. She works there as an entrepreneur and at the same time somehow back here in Slovenia she finds the energy to motivate people to work for her charity Ana's Little Star making a real difference for others in need. Her enthusiasm for everything she does is infectious, and of course that's why so many people come forward to make things happen; on both sides of the Atlantic!


Boštjan Gorenc

My guest this week is a man of many talents. Stand-up comedy, acting, puppet theatre, writing and rapping are amongst them and he is easy to talk to. Enthusiastic and funny and he brings some tracks that may be new to you as well.


Črt Butul

This week I travelled to Piran to record a conversation with the chef (he uses the term gastronomic explorer) from the Art Hotel Piran. It's a fascinating story and one which shows his great respect for food and the people who, grow, sell, cook and eat it! He also brought some great music which I had previously heard only 1 track! Don't miss this journey.


Marko Soršak - Soki

Soki may well be best known for his role as the drummer in the band Elvis Jackson but there is much more to this man and his work. To date 96 schools have benefitted from his tireless work in connecting sponsors to children by providing much needed musical instruments for their education and enjoyment. He is a strong believer in the power of music in every way and given his love of drums there are few surprises in his choice of music for this conversation!


Robert Šarman

Robert Šarman is known to many as the man who helped them through his work as a physiotherapist. He has worked at Maribor Hospital and is now in practice on his own in Slovenska Bistrica. He has other skills too and one of them is as the front man of the well-known band Jebe’la Cesta. You can expect an interesting conversation and some good music then!


Pipistrel - Ivo Boscarol

Ivo Boscarol is quite an inspiration. He looks at fine detail in design and construction in a way that most would not bother. Mind you that’s why he been making planes that few other manufacturers could aspire to and doing it for so long. This is a great journey through the stories of Ivo Boscarol’s background and some of the things he did on the way to success. And you can see why no one else in the world can currently produce a production electric plane and he’s been doing it for 11 years! You’ll love the music too!



We recently heard optimistic words from Janez Potočnik speaking at the recent Forum for Food and Agriculture. In spite of rarely being in Slovenia these days I was greatly honoured to be offered time to discus food and other environment issues just a few weeks ago. His environmental role as European Commissioner for the Environment was one that he really wanted as it allowed him an opportunity to advance many ideas for the future. Don't miss this valuable conversation about how we should all behave to ensure our future.


Tanja Španič

Tanja Španič was very young when everything in her life was put into question, in her own words "It wasn't something you expect at the age of 26!" Tanja had a lump in her breast which turned out to be a carcinoma. She is experienced in the field of medicine and her positive outlook clearly helped her to accept what this diagnosis meant. Today Tanja is a patient advocate and the current president of Europe Donna Slovenia. She is great fun to be with and has a broad love of music. What more could I ask for a guest on this show?


Tomaž Rogelj

It's the time of year when the tourists are just beginning to arrive in Slovenia and everything should be in place for the season. The area of Bled is one the the most well-known here and it will host many thousands of people over the months ahead. So what are the rationales behind the tourism of the region, is the pricing correct and the quality high enough to ensure that everyone goes away to become ambassadors for Slovenia. I asked the Head of the Bled Tourist Board, Tomaž Rogelj, to answer some of these questions.


Jure Poglajen

When Jure Poglajen and his friend David planned their holiday on Lesbos they did not consider the fast changing situation there with refugees arriving every day. They discovered the issue before leaving Slovenia but rather than change their plans they simply went with a new intent, to do what they could to help the plight of refugees. Now the story continues with money raising events to carry on the help and find resources for the children and mothers there who are in desperate need of assistance. Hear the story and support the event on 4th May at 20:00 at Hotel Habakuk in Maribor.


John Antone

John D Antone is an artist but maybe that doesn't really say what he does, not even saying sculptor truly describes the beauty this man finds and turns into amazing pieces of great detail. John lives in America but he is a regular here in Slovenia as he not only has customers here but he has great respect for a local forge where he casts his works in bronze and then ships many of them back to America. Find out all the details by listening to the show and visiting: JohnDAntone.com


Peter Orešič

If you are a lover of country music then this is the show for you as I enjoy a conversation with Peter Orešič. Peter decided that he liked country from an early age and has become so involved that he regularly travels to America to see the many country stars that he has had the pleasure of meeting over the years. He even makes radio shows to be transmitted in America. Lots of details of the performers and the music styles as well as nine tracks to enjoy!


Rafael Wressnig

Raphael Wressnig was brought up in Southern Austria, he went to music school in Bad Radkersburg and then had some good fortune as he was part of the opening band for a concert of Blues artist Larry Garner and was asked to stay on with his Hammond organ to play with Larry's band. It lead to touring Europe and then America. Since he has made contacts with musicians all over the world and has many great stories to tell. He's a great musician and I am very happy to have had the chance to produce this show.


Ambassador Dr Pierre-Yves Fux

His Excellency Dr Pierre-Yves Fux is nearing the end of his role as the Swiss Ambassador to Slovenia and he is certainly enthusiastic about his time here. From walking from one side of the country to the other to engaging in the organisation of educational discussions he has certainly become involved in life in Ljubljana and the country as a whole. He brings a fresh and very different range of music to the programme too.


Ajsa Vodnik

If you ever doubted the need for chambers of commerce you must listen to this inspiring lady. AmCham has been around for some time and most might expect it to be entirely about generating business between Slovenia and America but there is much more. From building effective partnerships with Slovene ministries to focusing on education, health, employment and also building bridges with foreign embassies is just a start. Listen and hear CEO Ajša Vodnik's very personal story of inspirations. It's all about optimism, community, opportunity and respect.


Charlie Butter Fly

Charlie Butter Fly has been on the Slovene music scene for a few years now but since the recent release of their video and a number of well received performances they are become rather well known. I felt that it was time to discover some more about them and what makes this band work. They have some classic bands as inspirations so this show is not only fun but it includes nothing but great music AND that includes their tracks too!


Susie Dent

Susie Dent is a lexicographer, that is she works with words. In English, German and French, now that is something special. Susie is also well known in the UK for her television appearances on Countdown as a wordsmith and general contributor to this very entertaining show. She was visiting Slovenia as a guest speaker at the recent Media Marketing conference SEMPL held in Portorož. It seemed a great opportunity to talk with someone from my homeland. She brings some great music to the show as well.


Matic Ačko

The initial reason to invite Matic Ačko to the show was I had been informed that he was involved in slam poetry. What’s that? I didn’t know either. In fact its been around for quite a while and has become quite popular around Slovenia. Matic also plays in a band, so has some great music to share as well. Find out about poetry, music, architecture and much more in this interesting conversation.

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