Helena Javornik and Roman Kejžar are without any doubt the greatest legends of the Slovenian
marathon, and both hold the national records. They are both still addicted to running, and they intend to prove it this weekend at the Three Hearts Marathon in Radenci. It will be Javornik's 50th jubilee marathon. "Last year I ran only one marathon, in Valencia, and this year I would like to run my 5oth marathon, as this year I celebrated my 50th birthday. I had the intention to run in London, and already had a number, but then I decided to run in Radenci. It is my home field, it's where I won six marathon and six half-marathon victories."
Instead of the planned 50 he ran 40 km, but he was still satisfied
Roman Kejžar wanted to celebrate his 50th birthday in a special way – last Sunday at the Wings For Life charity run, being its ambassador. It did not end as planned: "I hoped to run until the 50th kilometre, but I hadn't trained enough, and the weather was not so good. I started too fast, but I had no other choice, as it was very windy and I wanted to run with the fastest runners. I managed to run 40 kilometres. For the first 30 kilometres the weather was still acceptable, but then a storm started. I don't mind running in the rain, but it was too cold. My feet were heavy, and I stopped after 40 kilometres. But I don't mind, it is important to participate."
Kejžar with a blind runner
The athlete from Sorica who ended his career in 2009 will appear this Saturday in Radenci in a special role. He will accompany a blind runner Sandi Novak: "He secured the norm for the Paraolympic Games in Rio, and we will run 21 kilometres. This year he made an outstanding result at the marathon in Dubai, 2:39, and he has the best result in the world in his category, T11. Sandi’s sight is limited to only two to three percent, and he needs an escort. We are tethered together with an elastic band; of course I run at his side all the time, warn him of potholes, turns and bumps on the road – I give him directions through the elastic band."
In Athens she took 10th place at the Olympic games
Helena Javornik is still well prepared, and would like to run the 42,195 km in Radenci under three hours. "That's the plan. After all, I ran longer than three hours only twice. In Radenci it is rather difficult to make a good result, while running along fields with not a soul around. The atmosphere in Berlin of London is much different." We should mention that Javornik ran marathon at the Olympic games in 1996, in 2000 she participated at 1,500 and 5,000 metres race, and in Athens at 10,000 meters race. "I am one of the few athletes who has participated at the Olympic games in all long-distance disciplines." Her best result was the 10th place in Athens with 31:06 at 10 km.
The common ground: Borut Podgornik and the countryside
According to Helena Javornik the common ground she shares with Roman Kejžar is: "their trainer Borut Podgornik, and that they are both from countryside. It seems the marathon runners get their strength from the countryside. At our time it was different, as children we didn't have many opportunities to practice different sports. But it was important to persevere. I was able to start training normally only at the age of 23. It wasn't easy – nobody takes you seriously when at the age of 23 you say you want to train. They wonder – where have you been until now? But I persisted, and only after 15 years I was rewarded by the best results."
Tomaž Okorn
Translated by G. K.