The ministry wishes to employ 25 people. It is in search of different profiles, from office counselors to social workers, laundry workers and cooks. The deadlines for applications vary - from eight days to only three days.
The ministry is to employ five people in the Sector for accommodation, care and integration for an indefinite period of time. The vacancies are intended for counselors and higher counselors. Among their tasks will be to help prepare regulations and other materials, give clarifications, prepare reports, be in charge and make decisions in administrative matters, and to look after the integration house.
Nine more positions are envisaged for the same sector, among those three social workers, to be employed for a definite period.
To ensure the accommodation and care of refugees in case of an influx of people seeking international protection, there will be 11 new employments, also for a definite period of time. Some of these will be employed in the logistics office. The ministry has published a call for the employment of five cooks and two kitchen assistants, two laundry workers, a food superintendent and a maintenance worker.
Sa. J., B. V.; translated by K. J.