Public opinion polls by Delo and the School of Advanced Social Studies show Miro Cerar's support constantly on the rise. Foto: BoBo
Public opinion polls by Delo and the School of Advanced Social Studies show Miro Cerar's support constantly on the rise. Foto: BoBo

Delo public opinion poll: 28,7 % of the respondents would vote for the Party of Miro Cerar (SMC), 15,1 % for the SDS Democrats, 4,7 % for the Pensioner's Party DeSUS, 3,8% for the SD Social Democrats, 3,6 % for the Alliance of Alenka Bratušek, 2,7 % for the New Slovenia NSi Party, 1,7 % for the United Left, 1,2 % for the People’s Party SLS.

School of Advanced Social Studies public opinion poll: Compared to the month before, support has increased for the SMC, SDS and DeSUS parties, while support has fallen for the SD Party.

"Taking into account what the SMC party has shown so far and the fact that it practically doesn't have any program or staff – we just can't make ties with an unknown party or promise to do so," is what the SDS vice-president Milan Zver told MMC.

SMC is a reincarnation of the LDS
The SMC is a quite anonymous party. It only has one face and that's Miro Cerar, explained Zver. He also noticed that SMC candidates don't even show up in local voting districts. "We don't know who they are. We suspect the party to be a reincarnation of the LDS and its former staff. However we fail to detect the structure of the broader team, which would later represent the party," added Zver.

Mr. Zver claims that the SMC has a "strong media campaign", which makes it easier for people, especially undecided voters, to identify themselves with a winning party. According to Zver that's also the intention of the latest public opinion surveys. That's why he wishes that the SDS wins the elections or the support of a third of Slovenia's voters, so that it could prevent any other party of winning a two-thirds majority.

Cerar won't go into a coalition with the SDS
On the other hand Miro Cerar also doesn't see much chance of going into a coalition with the SDS, which according to the latest survey is the second most powerful party in the country. "We can't go into a coalition with a party that is actually tearing down the foundations of our legal state. And a state governed by laws is at the core of our party program," stressed Cerar.

At the same time he rejected accusations that his party was without a program, as it already presented it in public a few weeks ago. "Besides that we reply to numerous questions from the media on a daily basis. If we would collect all the replies we've sent out, we would surely have around 50, or even maybe 100 pages, of concrete and clear answers of what could be done in certain fields and regarding certain issues," is how Cerar rejected another accusation from the SDS and SD parties.

The SD won't agree to any compromises
Dejan Židan, the temporary president of the SD Social Democrats, told MMC that at this moment it was difficult to tell what the post-election coalition would look like. He did say though that the SD party would not agree to any compromises on the backs of citizens.

"A coalition is always a compromise. Parties try to harmonize their programs and it's the way it is all around the world. However I'm telling you in advance that there will be no compromise when it comes to protecting our citizens. It is difficult for the Slovenian worker, pensioner, farmer and young man. Slovenia is in a phase of economic growth and every person in Slovenia must benefit from that."

DeSUS: Let things run their course
The general-secretary of the Pensioner's Party DeSUS, Branko Simonovič, was also cautious: "Let us let things run their course. We have always advocated a stable government, which Slovenia so desperately needs, but we will not be entering a new government at any cost".

Saša Banjanac Lubej, MMC;
translated by K. J.

Delo public opinion poll: 28,7 % of the respondents would vote for the Party of Miro Cerar (SMC), 15,1 % for the SDS Democrats, 4,7 % for the Pensioner's Party DeSUS, 3,8% for the SD Social Democrats, 3,6 % for the Alliance of Alenka Bratušek, 2,7 % for the New Slovenia NSi Party, 1,7 % for the United Left, 1,2 % for the People’s Party SLS.

School of Advanced Social Studies public opinion poll: Compared to the month before, support has increased for the SMC, SDS and DeSUS parties, while support has fallen for the SD Party.