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About five years ago, EVA PAVLIČ SEIFERT and ALJAŽ CELARC moved to a remote village on the southern border with Croatia, which is known to have some of the longest and coldest winters in Slovenia. There they kick-started their project called House Mandrova by completely renovating an old abandoned house. It followed their decision to leave the big city life and start living differently, much closer to nature. Preserving the local cultural heritage is really important to them. House Mandrova’s community-oriented vision goes hand in hand with nature without the pressure of social norms. The contents of today's SPOTLIGHT (as part of RTV Slovenia's 'Mission Young cohesion' project) were made possible with financial support from the EU. Responsibility for the contents lies entirely with the author/editorship, and it does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
The 31st of January is also knows as »A Day Without Cigarrettes«. January's Day Without Cigarrettes aims to encourage people to stop smoking. Data says there are less and less smokers every year, but still, every 4th Slovenian is a smoker. The National Public Health Institute says around 60 people die every week in Slovenia because of smoking-related illnesses. Photo: EPA
Spotlight - EU- Mlada kohezija - specialized consultants for the young unemployed
Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v Sloveniji in svetu.
Do you know which species are most common in your own backyard? The Slovenian Bird Observation and Study Society (DOPPS) this year again invites you to participate in this year's Birds Around Us campaign and this week observe the birds that appear in settlements in winter.
Rsi Exclusive. Oddaja je pripravljena s finančno podporo Evropske komisije v okviru projekta Misija – mlada kohezija. Za vsebino je odgovorno uredništvo in ne nujno odraža stališč Unije.
Spotlight - Parliament held discussion on animal rights
Last week the French government said it plans to raise the retirement age. The plan, according to which people will have to work two years longer, will gradually raise the retirement age to 64, by the year 2030. A full pension will only be given to those with 43 years of work. However details about the plan have triggered an angry response from the unions, which have already announces strikes across the country.
A group of researchers led by Slovenian archaeologist Ivan Šprajc made a breakthrough discovery on the Mayan calendar. Their study showed that the Mayan timekeeping system is hundreds of years older than previous research indicated. They found that it might have originated as early as 1100 BC.
Spotlight - Croatia joins Schengen and Eurozone
The House of the Carniolan Honey Bee in Višnja Gora includes the ApiLab Innovation Technology Centre of innovative beekeeping technologies and for the development of entrepreneurship. The place encourages the young people's innovative approaches to learning about the importance of bees. Its beehive-style hostel shows a completely new approach to dealing with public space, defying challenges we might be facing in terms of design. ON AIR at 10:25am. IMPORTANT: The contents of the latest edition of SPOTLIGHT (as part of RTV Slovenia's 'Misija Mlada kohezija'/'Mission Young Cohesion' project) were made possible with financial support from the EU. Responsibility for the contents lies entirely with the author/editorship, and it does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
A launching ceremony for the Square Kilometre Array project - or 'SKA' - took place in South Africa. The project is co-hosted with a similar facility in Australia. When completed the two sites in South Africa and Australia will connect to form one giant telescope. The $3 billion construction is likely to take six years to build. Photo: EPA
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