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Pozdravljeni, v oddaji Second hand. Danes bomo pod drobnogled vzeli novo pesem skupine The Killers, Dying Breed. The Killers so ameriška rock skupina, ki je pričela ustvarjati leta 2001 v Las Vegasu. Izdali so že šest zaporednih albumov, ki so zasedli sam vrh lestvic, zadnjega, Imploding the Mirage, letos. The Killers so priznani kot ena največjih rock skupin 21. stoletja in zagotovo najuspešnejši glasbeni produkt Las Vegasa oziroma Nevade, s prodanimi preko 28. milijoni albumi. Iz komercialnega vidika so največ uspeha poželi z zgodnjimi deli v obdobju med leti 2003 in 2008. Letos poskušajo obuditi komercialno prepoznavnost z albumom Imploding the Mirage, iz katerega so izdali štiri single, in sicer "Caution", "Fire in Bone", My Own Soul's Warning" in nazadnje še Dying Breed". V pesmi lahko slišimo kitaro Jonathan-a Rado-a, če pa pogledamo spisek avtorjev pesmi, pa poleg njega in vodje skupine Brandona Flowers-a najdemo še devet drugim imen. Za to obstaja dober razlog, saj pesem vsebuje elemente dveh drugih pesmi. Prva pesem, iz katere so črpali The Killers, je "Hallogallo", ki jo izvajajo Neu!, glavni akt nemške Krautrock scene iz 70tih. Druga pesem, katere elementi so še bolj vplivali na strukturo pesmi Dying Breed, je "Moonshake" iz leta 1973, ki jo izvaja skupina Can. Can morda ne poznate, a gre za zelo vplivno skupino na področju alternativne glasbe. Svoj pečat so pustili tudi v semplerskih vodah, kar se vidi iz množičnega črpanja semplov iz njihovih pesmi. Vpliv skupine Can zaznamo v delih post-punk glasbenikov, kot so Joy Division in Primal Scream, pa tudi pri glasbenikih avant-garde scene, kot so Bernhard Lang in Radiohead. Can so izdali svoj debitantski album Monster Movie leta 1969 in se takoj definirali izven mainstream glasbe z zvokom, ki je presegal meje eksperimentalne electronic glasbe, jazza in moderne klasične glasbe.

Second hand

386 epizod

Second hand looks at the trend of recycling existing music in the form of samples, remixes and covers - although sometimes these modifications are actually flagrant violations of copyright laws... Some artists use without acknowledging where they got it, so we decided to take a closer look. The result: a huge number of hits are credited to the wrong musician, while the people who really wrote it remain ignored. Listen to the original and the adaptation and familiarize yourself with what's going on in the music industry - you'll be surprised by how many of your idols have built their reputation on the shoulders of others.



Pozdravljeni, v oddaji Second hand. Danes bomo pod drobnogled vzeli novo pesem skupine The Killers, Dying Breed. The Killers so ameriška rock skupina, ki je pričela ustvarjati leta 2001 v Las Vegasu. Izdali so že šest zaporednih albumov, ki so zasedli sam vrh lestvic, zadnjega, Imploding the Mirage, letos. The Killers so priznani kot ena največjih rock skupin 21. stoletja in zagotovo najuspešnejši glasbeni produkt Las Vegasa oziroma Nevade, s prodanimi preko 28. milijoni albumi. Iz komercialnega vidika so največ uspeha poželi z zgodnjimi deli v obdobju med leti 2003 in 2008. Letos poskušajo obuditi komercialno prepoznavnost z albumom Imploding the Mirage, iz katerega so izdali štiri single, in sicer "Caution", "Fire in Bone", My Own Soul's Warning" in nazadnje še Dying Breed". V pesmi lahko slišimo kitaro Jonathan-a Rado-a, če pa pogledamo spisek avtorjev pesmi, pa poleg njega in vodje skupine Brandona Flowers-a najdemo še devet drugim imen. Za to obstaja dober razlog, saj pesem vsebuje elemente dveh drugih pesmi. Prva pesem, iz katere so črpali The Killers, je "Hallogallo", ki jo izvajajo Neu!, glavni akt nemške Krautrock scene iz 70tih. Druga pesem, katere elementi so še bolj vplivali na strukturo pesmi Dying Breed, je "Moonshake" iz leta 1973, ki jo izvaja skupina Can. Can morda ne poznate, a gre za zelo vplivno skupino na področju alternativne glasbe. Svoj pečat so pustili tudi v semplerskih vodah, kar se vidi iz množičnega črpanja semplov iz njihovih pesmi. Vpliv skupine Can zaznamo v delih post-punk glasbenikov, kot so Joy Division in Primal Scream, pa tudi pri glasbenikih avant-garde scene, kot so Bernhard Lang in Radiohead. Can so izdali svoj debitantski album Monster Movie leta 1969 in se takoj definirali izven mainstream glasbe z zvokom, ki je presegal meje eksperimentalne electronic glasbe, jazza in moderne klasične glasbe.



Pozdravljeni v oddaji Second hand. Potem ko smo se konec leta 2015 sprehodili po lestvici najbolj semplanih artistov vseh časov, se letos znova posvetimo aktualnim stvaritvam in njihovim prikritim izvorom. Prav v tem času se po lestvicah po vsem svetu vzpenja singl The girl is mine, ki so ga izdali 99 Souls v sodelovanju z Destiny's Child in Brandy. The girl is mine je očitno priredba in zagotovo ste v njej prepoznali več glasbenih elementov, čeprav morda ne veste točno kam bi jih postavili. Gre dejansko za 'mash-up' dveh pesmi: pesmi The Boy Is Mine od Brandy & Monica ter pesmi Girl od Destiny's Child.


Second hand 9. 4. 2014 - nr.39 - Isaac Hayes - Theme from Shaft (Eng)

Second hand looks at the trend of recycling existing music in the form of samples, remixes and covers - although sometimes these modifications are actually flagrant violations of copyright laws... Some artists use without acknowledging where they got it, so we decided to take a closer look. The result: a huge number of hits are credited to the wrong musician, while the people who really wrote it remain ignored. Listen to the original and the adaptation and familiarize yourself with what's going on in the music industry - you'll be surprised by how many of your idols have built their reputation on the shoulders of others.


Second hand (Nr. 44) - Barry White - I'm gonna love you just a little more baby (ENG)

Second hand looks at the trend of recycling existing music in the form of samples, remixes and covers - although sometimes these modifications are actually flagrant violations of copyright laws... Some artists use without acknowledging where they got it, so we decided to take a closer look. The result: a huge number of hits are credited to the wrong musician, while the people who really wrote it remain ignored. Listen to the original and the adaptation and familiarize yourself with what's going on in the music industry - you'll be surprised by how many of your idols have built their reputation on the shoulders of others.


Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s - Blow Your Head (Nr.49) ang

Hello and welcome to Second hand on Radio SI. This year we are going to do things differently and look at the other side of sampling. In the past years we’ve exposed the background and samples of newer hits and evergreens. This year we will focus on songs that are most frequently sampled in the music industry. This week we have arrived at number 49 of our chart. Number 49 of the most often sampled songs is 'Blow your head' from Fred Wesley and the J.B.'s. This James Brown influenced funk creation offers an exceptional intro to the song, that many musicians, mostly hip hop artists of the 90's, used as sample for their own songs. The best known examples of samples of this part of the song are: Public Enemy in Public Enemy No.1 ,De La Soul in songs Sunshine and Oooh, Puff daddy in P.E.2000, Digable Planets in Rebirth Of Slick (Cool Like That), Bomb The Bass in Beat Dis and of course many others. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pozdravljeni v oddaji Second hand. Letos se zgodbe lotevamo z druge strani zgodbe semplanja. V preteklih letih smo razkrinkali ozadja in semple novejših in zimzelenih hitov, letos pa se osredotočamo na pesmi, ki so najbolj semplane v glasbeni industriji. Ta teden smo pri številki 49 na naši lestvici. 49-ta najbolj semplana pesem je 'Blow your head' v izvedbi skupine Fred Wesley and the J.B.'s. Gre za funk stvaritev, pri kateri je prste imel tudi James Brown in ponuja izjemen intro katerega so radi semplali mnogi kasnejši, predvsem hip hip glasbeniki v devetdesetih. Najbolj znani primeri uporabe tega sempla so: Public Enemy v public enemy no.1, De la soul v pesmih Sunshine in Oooh, Puff daddy v P.E.2000, Digable planets v Rebirth of slick (cool like that), Bomb the bass v Beat dis in seveda še množica drugih.


Bar Kays - Holy Ghost (Nr.50, Ang)

This week we have arrived at number 50 of our chart. Number 50 of the most often sampled songs is the Bar Kays 'Holy Ghost'. This is an almost 9 minutes long funk creation, offering exceptional transitions, instrumentals and what is most important breaks that were an inspiration for many musicians and they were used as samples. The best known examples of samples of this part of the song are: Beastie boys - Hey ladies, M.A.R.R.S. - Pump up the volume, 2Pac Last wordz, Public enemy - Fear of the black planet and of course many others. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ta teden smo pri številki 50 na naši lestvici. 50-ta najbolj semplana pesem je 'Holy ghost' Bar Kays-ov. Gre za skoraj 9 minutno funk stvaritev, ki ponuja izjemne prehode, instrumentale in najpomembneje break-e, iz katerih so inspiracijo in tudi semple črpali mnogi kasnejši glasbeniki. Najbolj znani primeri uporabe tega sempla so: Beastie boys - Hey ladies, M.A.R.R.S. - Pump up the volume, 2Pac Last wordz, Public enemy - Fear of the black planet in seveda še množica drugih.


Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Brakes (Nr.51)

We will start with number 51 of our music chart and end with number 1 for New Year's Eve. Number 51 of the most frequently sampled songs is 'When the levee breaks' by Rock and Roll legends Led Zeppelin. The best known examples of samples of this part of the song are: The Beasty Boys in their song "Rhymin' & Stealin'’, who have been the first to sample the drum track and were sued doing so, later they have used the part also in Wat Cha want and other songs; Eminem and other rappers have also used samples as well as Massive Attack in their song Man next door; Sophie B. Hawkins used the sample in her hit Damn I wish I was your lover; Enigma in Return to Innocence; Bjork in Army of me and of course many others Ta teden smo pri številki 51 na naši lestvici, končali pa bomo s številko 1 prav na novo leto. 51 najbolj semplana pesem je When the levee brakes, rock and roll legend Led Zeppelin. Najbolj znani primeri uporabe tega sempla so: Beastie Boys – Rhymin and stealin, ki so ga dejansko prvi odkrili in uporabili ter si s tem nakopali tožbo, kasneje pa ga uporabili še v Watcha want in drugih pesmih; med novejšimi Eminem in množica drugih repperjev ter Massive attack v Man next door; Sophie B Hawkins v svojem hitu Damn I wish I was your lover; Enigma v Return to innocence; Bjork v Army of me in seveda še množica drugih.

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