Protestniki v parku Zuccoti na Manhattnu vztrajajo že od sredine septembra. Foto: EPA
Protestniki v parku Zuccoti na Manhattnu vztrajajo že od sredine septembra. Foto: EPA
Protestniki pred Ljubljansko borzo
Slovenski protestniki so se utaborili pred enim izmed številnih simbolov kapitalizma, borzo. Foto: MMC RTV SLO
"Dear Washington and Wall Street, We are the 99% and we're here to stop the machine," so besede, s katerimi se začne himna protestov. Foto: EPA
Wall Street
Gibanje Occupy, ki simbolično predstavlja 99 odstotkov anonimnih posameznikov, se je začelo na newyorškem Wall Streetu. Foto: Reuters

V enem mesecu od začetka protestov proti finančnemu nasilju in pohlepu na Wall Streetu so se ti razširili po skoraj vsem svetu - tudi v Ljubljano, kjer protestniki že četrti dan vztrajajo pred stavbo Ljubljanske borze. Akcija pa je navdahnila tudi glasbenika Arija Herstanda in zasedbo The Roaring, ki so posneli skladbo z naslovom Finally Here in jo "posodili" protestnikom kot himno.

Preberite več o protestih, ki so zajeli svet in Ljubljano.

Pesem poziva oblastnike, finančnike, tiste, ki v rokah držijo moč in vzvode za boljše življenje (Draga Washington in Wall Street), naj poslušajo tistih 99 odstotkov, ki so končno tu, da ustavijo tak potek dogodkov, tako življenje.

Polovica protestnikom, pol lačnim umetnikom
Avtorji skladbe so himno mirnih protestov objavili 5. oktobra na svoji spletni strani in na spletnih socialnih omrežjih. Z omenjene spletne strani si jo lahko vsakdo naloži na svoj računalnik in v zameno (če želi) prispeva nekaj denarja - vsak si lahko sam določi, koliko bo oz. lahko prispeva. Polovica denarja, zbranega z nakupom skladbe, bo šla v poseben sklad za protestnike na Wall Streetu in nadaljnjo organizacijo gibanja Occupy, polovica pa "za lačne umetnike, ki stojijo za tem projektom", piše na speltni strani zasedbe The Roaring.

Pesem lahko poslušate spodaj, prilagamo pa tudi besedilo himne (v angleščini).

Dear Washington and Wall Street,
We are the 99% and we're here to stop the machine.

Why is that we only come through in times of crisis
Can't recognize the need while we stare at our devices
See, I got the graph and I got the stats
And I got the need to keep people from the rats
More than simply a game of motivation
The idea that together we're better then evolution
Not me against you
But really an us
See, The world is our oyster
Only we can destruct
Democracy seems really cool
The idea that we give voice, even to the fool
But see that's the problem
With our system of learning
The fantastic drips down
And infects the yearning
Are we meant to play the game on even ground
Or is that the fairytale that makes the merry-go-round
Used to be tribes
Then the nation state drew borders
Every revolution comes from disrespecting orders
But I got hope
And I believe in peace
In Korea, South Asia and the Middle East

Cause the youth, yeah, we're finally here
Got a future full of love
Love without fear
Cause the youth, yeah, we're finally here
Got stand up, be proud, hold each other near

He said good morning could you raise your right hand
Step into the jurors box and take a stand
On trial are the quiet dreams of our fathers
See those dreams draw lines between us and others

Built our corporate present on them dotted lines
It's those strange shapes that seem to plague the mind
Mine and yours
An equation outdated
The prosecution suggests it be recalibrated

My patriotic dream is recast as struggle
We the people be building out of this rubble

How many more rotations about the sun
Before my brothers in arms will lay down their guns
"We the people" is beyond a battle cry
A Formula for peace and progress in our time

The current manifesto manifests too small
Promise of living is dwarfed by the wall
My aim is not guilt nor material goods
My sights on inspiration cross all latitudes
My declaration declares one thing
Creation exists in each human being

Cause the youth, yeah, we're finally here
Got a future full of love
Love without fear
Cause the youth, yeah, we're finally here
Got stand up, be proud, hold each other near

Whispers of the revolution are getting louder
on the Wall Streets and Main Streets
from New York
to Los Angeles
and around the world
See, we need the corruption and greed to end
And we need to learns respect for all of our brothers and sisters
See youth, it's a state of mind
and we preach a future full of
and progress

Cause the youth, yeah, we're finally here
Got a future full of love
Love without fear
Cause the youth, yeah, we're finally here
Got stand up, be proud, hold each other near