Minister Katič also warned that in recent years the defence ministry has had to face the biggest budget cuts among all the ministries. Foto: Daniel Mlakar/Slovenska vojska
Minister Katič also warned that in recent years the defence ministry has had to face the biggest budget cuts among all the ministries. Foto: Daniel Mlakar/Slovenska vojska
According to minister Györkös Žnidar the methods of response have to be adapted to unpredictable security events and the constant change of crime forms by amending key legislation. Foto: BoBo

The National Council of the Republic of Slovenia is marking the 2nd Day of National Security. The council is scheduled to pronounce the best Slovenian firefighter, best policeman, security guard and soldier. The central event was a panel debate on the security threats Slovenia faces.

Interior Minister Vesna Györkös Žnidar explained that the international security environment was increasingly complex and subject to new challenges and unpredictable changes caused by nearby hotspots and political uncertainties in the Western Balkans and elsewhere. "Although we can still say that Slovenia is a safe country, that doesn't mean that we don't have to be aware of the threats arising from the international environment," she stressed. Among the international threats she listed organized crime, terrorism, hybrid activities and cybercrime... which are becoming real threats in the world.

According to minister Györkös Žnidar the methods of response have to be adapted to unpredictable security events and the constant change of crime forms by amending key legislation. She mentioned the recent changes to the acts on police powers and aliens.

Fake news is also a threat
Defence Minister Andreja Katič gave a similar assessment of the global threats. "The past year also shows that the global security environment is becoming increasingly complex and more unpredictable. Cyber attacks have become a first-rate political security theme. Fake news is also ever more present. Posts on Twitter raise more dust than official statements. And over and over again we witness terrorist attacks on innocent masses of people..." said the defence minister. She also warned of the possibility of another large wave of migrants because of the situation in the Middle East and Northern Africa.

Minister Katič also warned that in recent years the defence ministry has had to face the biggest budget cuts among all the ministries. Last year's strategic defence review showed that Slovenia's defence system is lagging behind and has limited capability in tackling national security threats and risks.

"Slovenia is not immune to security threats. We therefore must not take security for granted. Our way of life and thinking needs to be adjusted to that Geist and conviction. If you see to your own security, you also strengthen our national security," said Katič, and called for a daily care in ensuring our state's security, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Climate change poses another threat for Slovenia
The State Secretary responsible for national security, Erik Kopač, explained that every serious country has to take into account the assessments provided by government offices, professionally dealing with such issues. The government's current assessment is that "Slovenia is considered to be one of the safest countries in the world. But that assessment, because of the very dynamic security environment, can quickly change."

Among such threats Kopač also mentioned the possibility of a classical military conflict, which has been somewhat brushed aside. However, such threats are already occurring on the edges of Europe. Another threat Slovenia faces is connected to the consequences of climate change, to which Slovenia will be exposed.