The European Commission has informed that it is preparing a plan for the transfer of an additional 120.000 migrants from Italy, Greece and Hungary to other EU member states. Taking into account the commission's May proposal, that's now a total of 160.000 refugees. Under the plan Slovenia is to accept around 2.000 people.
"The figure reported in the media and public should not be a problem for Slovenia. Slovenia's Civil Protection Commander publicly said that we have capacities to accept anywhere between 4.000 and 5.000 refugees. Even I myself, as the head coordinator of the team of ministers directly dealing with the issue, can confirm that Slovenia should have no problem with that figure," assessed Erjavec.
According to the foreign minister, Slovenia will no longer oppose the mandatory refugee quotas. However, it is the government that will have the final say on the issue. "If we want to equally share the burden among all the member states, it will be a necessary step. We see that at this moment, some member states don't feel any responsibility towards the issue," explained the minister.
Pahor: Only together can we tackle the crisis
President Borut Pahor was on an official trip to Budapest. Speaking to the press after meeting Hungary's PM Viktor Orban, Pahor said the current refugee crisis in Europe was an equally complicated problem of great proportions just as the financial and economic crisis was. "Only together can we tackle the crisis," is convinced Pahor.
Regarding Hungary's measures, Pahor said one could agree or disagree with them. "During my meeting with PM Orban I openly told him that I was left speechless by some of his remarks," said Pahor. He also added however, that Hungary's decisions have to be respected.
A. Č. , MMC;
translated by K. J.