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Na Kongresni trg v prestolnici se je po štiriletnem premoru vrnil Marihuana marš.
V novomeškem romskem naselju Žabjak naj bi v petek zvečer streljali, v obračunu naj bi bili udeleženi skupini prebivalcev naselja in okoliških prebivalcev.
Lottery Slovenia announced that it has paid out the more than 28 million euros, which will go "into the pockets" of two citizens of Žalec. Luck has indeed smiled upon them in the EuroJackpot lottery.
Members of parliament were informed during an extraordinary session that until midnight, when the 14-day deadline for the proposal of a candidate for PM-designate expired - no candidate had been ...
Slovenia's best skier Tina Maze has hired Valerio Ghirardi as her new coach. The seasoned Italian coach is best known for having worked with the Italian women’s team.
As far as labour costs are concerned, Germany is cheaper than its neighbours on the West, while in Poland, Austria, and the Check Republic labour costs are lower.
MP Peter Vilfan tendered his irrevocable resignation from parliament, following Saturday's traffic accident. Mr. Vilfan was driving under the influence of alcohol when he hit a pedestrian.
Companies interested in buying Telekom Slovenije had been invited to send in their statements of interest in purchasing Slovenia’s biggest telecommunications company by 7 pm yesterday.
Swiss coach Mauro Pini said on Swiss TV that he will not be working for the team of Slovenia’s best skier Tina Maze in the next season.
Until winter about 60 more ships are expected to throw mooring lines at the Koper passenger terminal, bringing 70,000 passengers.
Interior Minister Gregor Virant survived already his second confidence motion yesterday and remains minister.
Dom, družina, delo, dostojno življenje. 4 iniciacijske točke, ustavne kategorije, pred leti samoumevne, univerzalne in razmeroma lahko dostopne. Stvarnost je danes seveda nekoliko drugačna.
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