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On this day - Arhiv

On this day: 8th September

On this day On this day: 8th September


In the year 1157 English King Richard the Lion Heart is born. In 1504, in Florence for the first time Michelangelo's statue of David is discovered. In 1841 Czech composer Antonin Dvořak is born.

On this day: 7th September

On this day On this day: 7th September


In 1533 in Greenwich, Queen Elizabeth I, daughter of Henry VIII is born to his second wife, Anne Boleyn. During her reign the foundations were laid for the future British Empire. Her reign is also ...

On this day: 6th September

On this day On this day: 6th September


In 1522, the Spanish seafarer Juan Sebastian del Cano finished the first trip around the world. He set off with five ships and 270 sailors, at the end he sailed home with just one ship and eighteen ...

On this day: 5th September

On this day On this day: 5th September


In 1600 Queen Elizabeth I. established the East India Company. This laid the foundations of the English colonial empire.

On this day: 4th September

On this day On this day: 4th September


In the year 1781 the city of Los Angeles is founded. In 1844, in the newspaper Lublanske novice for the first time is published the proposal that Ljubljana should become the capital of Slovenia.

On this day: 3rd September

On this day On this day: 3rd September


In 301 according to legend the smallest republic in Europe San Marino is founded. It was founded by the Dalmatian stonecutter Marinus of Arba, later venerated as Saint Marinus.

On this day: 2nd September

On this day On this day: 2nd September


In the year 490 BC a Greek soldier runs the distance from Marathon to Athens to deliver the news of victory over the Persians.

On this day: 1st September

On this day On this day: 1st September


In 1715 French King Louis XIV, the Sun King, who ruled from the age of five, dies. The period of his reign is known as the period of opulence and prosperity of France, is also known for the ...

On this day: 31st August

On this day On this day: 31st August


In the year 12 the Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Caligula is born. He is one of the most grotesque historical personages. He is known for his insanity and cruelty.

On this day: 30th August

On this day On this day: 30th August


In 1775 Janez Nepomuk Hradecký is born Between 1820 and 1846 he was mayor of Ljubljana. In 1797 English novelist Mary Shelley, known for the novel Frankenstein, is born.

On this day: 29th August

On this day On this day: 29th August


In 1189 Dubrovnik entered into an agreement with the Bosnian Ban Kulin on free and unrestricted trade with Bosnia. The agreement is considered one of the oldest surviving documents in these places.

On this day: 28th August

On this day On this day: 28th August


In 1749 German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is born. He wrote short epistolary novel The Sorrows of Young Werther and epic closet drama Faust.

On this day: 27th August

On this day On this day: 27th August


In 1703 Slovene Jesuit missionary Ferdinand Avguštin Hallerstein, who has its own asteroid, was born.

On this day: 26th August

On this day On this day: 26th August


In 1778 the first recorded ascent of Triglav is made. The summit was conquered by Luka Korosec, Matthew Kos, Stefan Rožič and Lawrence Willomitzer.

Ob this day: 25th August

On this day Ob this day: 25th August


In 1530 in Moscow, Ivan IV Vasilyevich, known as Ivan the Terrible is born. He was the Tzar of all Russias, known for his cruelty, by which he won the title of "the Terrible".

On this day: 24th August

On this day On this day: 24th August


In 79 Mount Vesuvius erupts and covers Pompeii with a 5 metre deep blanket of lava and ash. The city was only discovered accidentally 1592. The deadly quilt protected Pompeii against the tooth of ...

On This Day: 23rd August

On this day On This Day: 23rd August


In 476 the Roman army proclaims Odoacer, the chieftain of Germanic tribes Rex Italiae (King of Italy). This date is considered by most historians as the end of antiquity.

On This Day: 22nd August

On this day On This Day: 22nd August


In 1860 German engineer Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, who is considered to be the father of television, is born. He invented the Nipkow disk, which made a mechanical television possible.

On This Day: 21st August

On this day On This Day: 21st August


In 1609 in Venice Galileo Galilei introduced his first telescope.

On This Day: 20th August

On this day On This Day: 20th August


In 1941 in Požarevec Serbian and Yugoslavian president Slobodan Milošević is born. In 2006 he dies of heart failure in his cell in The Hague.

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