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Avtorji Bojana Rugelj

News in English How is “Our Wonderful Food” better than “regular food”?


Slovenian food producers recently launched a campaign designed to promote Slovenian produce.

Kolumna So višje plače res vse, za kar se morajo boriti sindikati?


V zgodovini samostojne Slovenije je kar nekaj zvezdnih trenutkov sindikalnega gibanja. Recimo 26. november leta 2005, ko je po zasneženi Ljubljani za socialno državo protestiralo 40.000 ljudi.

News in English The lawsuit of the “erased” against Slovenia thrown out as baseless


The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg confirmed the appropriateness of the Slovenian compensation scheme for the “erased.” Earlier today, it rejected the appeal of 212 of the “erased,” ...

Intervju Branimir Štrukelj: Sindikati moramo za vsako ceno ustaviti vztrajno padanje plač


Slovenski gospodarski razvoj večinoma temelji na nizkih plačah, tako v gospodarstvu kot v javnem sektorju. Strateška naloga sindikatov je, da ustavimo padanje plač, da iztrgamo del dobičkov in jih prelijemo v plače, pravi sindikalist Branimir Štrukelj.

News in English A 160-year-old Orthodox church in Bela krajina has been renovated


A ceremony on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul marked the renovation of the 160-year-old Orthodox church in the village of Miliči (SE).

News in English The Renovated Interiors of Piran’s “Venetian” Now Open to the Public


After a number of complications, delays, and controversies about the exterior appearance of Piran’s “Venetian” building, which dates back to the Republic of Venice, the first visitors could see the ...

News in English Jürgen Sorgenfrei: “The Port of Koper is in great shape, but the competition never sleeps”


The Slovenian Sovereign Holding (SSH) recently said that it would replace three members of the supervisory board at port operator Luka Koper – an announcement that caused quite a stir, given that ...

News in English Forest is our wealth. But it is under many threats – of weather, people…


Forests are our great natural wealth, which can be also marketed as tourist attraction.

News in English Countryside gives strength to marathon runners


Two athletes who have been the driving force of the Slovenian marathon in the period after the independence have together 100 years – 50 each.

News in English Were Slovenians able to buy more for the same money before joining the EU?


It has been 12 years since Slovenia joined the European Union.

News in English A water sculpture coming to Slovenska cesta


The sculpture won a call for tenders issued by the municipality of Ljubljana. The well in the shape of a double loop will stand at the intersection of Tomšičeva ulica and Slovenska cesta.

Intervju Dušan Semolič: Dokler bo obstajal kapital, bo obstajala tudi potreba po sindikatih


Sindikati so po osamosvojitvi Slovenije pomagali tlakovati pot socialni državi in uspešnemu prehodu v evropske integracije. Predsednik ZSSS-ja Semolič pravi, so nepogrešljivi tudi danes: "Dokler bo obstajal kapital, bo obstajala potreba po sindikatih."

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